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- 0$0$0$0$0$0$0$ CHEAP TRUTH 10 $0$$0$0$0$0$0$
- translator John French, Indiana University Press, 1983.
- People in the Soviet Union still have a nineteenth-century allegiance
- to the printed word. Authors are major public figures. Poets recite to
- packed soccer stadiums. Classic works of Russian literature are available,
- and their lack of Marxist ballast makes them seem vividly energetic and
- relevant. In the Soviet Union you can be a 'literary intellectual,' and no
- one will grin and ask what you REALLY do. You can get a license for it, and
- join the Writer's Union, and the State will pay you a salary.
- Chingis Aitmatov, a Kirghiz national born in 1928, is a highly
- prominent, established Soviet literateur. He's been a member of the Supreme
- Soviet, a winner of the Lenin Prize for literature, a Hero of Socialist
- Labor, an editor of NOVY MIR, an official correspondent for PRAVDA. His
- Marxist-Leninist credentials are impeccable.
- And he is wildly popular. He is considered one of the most gifted
- authors of the post-Stalinist generation, not only by Party hacks but by the
- 'liberal' intelligentsia. When a writer like Aitmatov turns to science
- fiction, it behooves us to take notice.
- THE DAY LASTS MORE THAN A HUNDRED YEARS, published in 1980 to vast
- acclaim, is a remarkable, revealing piece of work. We should make it clear
- at once that it is terrible science fiction. Aitmatov has not escaped the
- condescension typical of mainstream writers who dabble in the field. In fact
- the SF element has been grafted into the narrative for ideological reasons,
- which is remarkable in itself.
- The predominant movement in Brezhnev-era Soviet fiction was the
- 'village novel,' simple small-scale narratives of rural life, drenched with
- pre-Revolutionary nostalgia. Through this device it was possible to dodge
- the crippling load of Marxist relevance demanded of State writers.
- In the early '80's, literary ideologues decided that enough was enough and
- demanded that Soviet writers to produce large works on a "global scope."
- Aitmatov has used wide-screen SF techniques to combine the popular 'village'
- narrative with the new requirements.
- Strangely, although its traditional SF elements are abominable --
- ludicrous blue-haired aliens, moons and planets whizzing by at the speed of
- light -- Aitmatov's novel does have a genuine SF feel. For it is about
- technology and its impact on human life.
- The hero is a Kazakh Central Asian railroad worker. He lives in a
- godforsaken steppe railway junction with a handful of sturdy peasants. For
- decades he and his friend have tended the snorting machines, living a harsh,
- isolated life, not without dignity, but without much decadent fun. The book
- opens with the friend's death.
- The Kazakh hero stubbornly decides to give his friend a traditional
- Kazakh Moslem burial, a rite worthy of a 'true steppe cavalier.' But
- technical progress has invaded everything. He has given his life to the
- railroad. A large rocket-complex has been built across the steppe, and its
- great rumbling launches light the sky. What is left to our hero? What is
- the meaning of his tribal traditions and memories? Has he thrown away his
- life, or does it all mean something, was the sacrifice worth it? These
- issues are handled with great skill and deep ambiguity.
- At the same time, a large and somewhat bogus SF counterplot rumbles
- along in parallel. The novel is set in the near future, in which aliens have
- been contacted, through Soviet-American cooperation in space.
- Here is another remarkable aspect of the book: its utter lack of
- hostility toward the West. This space effort in administered in friendly
- unison by Yanks and Soviets, from an aircraft carrier in the Pacific. (This
- ship is in itself a powerful image of hope for the Soviet audience. They
- have no aircraft carriers and see them as fearsome symbols of aggressive
- capitalism.)
- These aliens are blissful, socially-advanced superbeings of vaguely
- Marxist derivation. They are of vast power and supernal wisdom. Are we to
- join them, or stick mulishly to our human heritage and its faults?
- This question roughly parallels the first theme. Aitmatov attempts
- to give the events in the remote railway junction a cosmic resonance. If he
- fails, it's because his SF concepts are essentially ridiculous. And because,
- in the last analysis, his book has the painful, disjointed feel of a work
- designed by committee.
- Yet it remains engrossing. Its flinching view of delicate political
- issues, such as the Stalinist purges, has a hot-potato daring. Its
- allusions are subtle and its scenes memorable. And there's no
- red-flag-waving, sunset-riding agitprop trash here; but hard issues faced
- down by a brave man who is in too deep to back out.
- This book was written in a metaphorical straitjacket, and it shows
- it. Yet this much must be admitted: Aitmatov's book speaks to us in the
- West with force and relevance. Would our glittery, escapist tripe translate
- half so well?
- $0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$
- CHEAP TRUTH radical Sue Denim seizes the Dean's Office and issues her list of
- demands:
- The 1985 Nebula Awards will be handed out on May 4, fifteen years to
- the day from the shootings at Kent State University in Ohio.
- Once again the armed might of conservatism faces the radical vision
- of a new generation, this time across the distance of a ballot. The voices
- of repression range from the senile babblings of Robert Heinlein to the
- California vapidity of Larry Niven to the moist-eyed urgency of Kim Stanley
- Robinson; arrayed against them are William Gibson, Lewis Shiner, and Jack
- Dann. Can they prevail?
- Every year Heinlein cranks out another volume of brain-dead
- maunderings; every year the sycophants cry "Heinlein is back!"; every year
- they lie. Even if JOB (Del Rey, $16.95) were a good book, or even a readable
- book, which I assure you it is not, why would anyone want to give this man a
- Nebula award? Plenty do, and it's for the same reason they gave Henry Fonda
- an Oscar for a movie as wretched as ON GOLDEN POND -- because he was no
- longer dangerous.
- Larry Niven IS dangerous, but in a socially approved way -- much
- like, for instance, an armed National Guardsman at a student riot. "War
- would be a hopeful sign..." he muses in his latest perfunctory effort, THE
- INTEGRAL TREES (Del Rey, $3.50). It's touted as "his best since RINGWORLD!"
- by Heinlein fans everywhere. Even if it were, and it certainly isn't as good
- as RINGWORLD, is that qualification enough for a Nebula? Should we encourage
- this sort of thoughtless, derivative work?
- As for Kim Stanley Robinson, his overwrought, reactionary, and
- anti-visionary WILD SHORE (Ace, $2.95) has already been dissected by these
- hands (CHEAP TRUTH 5). Suffice to say that Robinson's relative youth has
- nothing to do with his literary politics -- keep in mind that the Guardsmen
- that pulled the triggers at Kent State were no older than their victims.
- But things are not as grim as they might sound. For once, the
- radicals are not outnumbered -- they match the villains man to man. (And
- men, you may have noticed, they all are. Where are the visionary women? Why
- don't we have novels this year from Leigh Kennedy or Pat Cadigan or Pat
- Murphy? Ask Ron Busch. Ask Terry Carr. Ask everyone you see.)
- You've already heard about Gibson's NEUROMANCER (Ace, $2.95), and if
- you've got any sense you've already read it. This book had half again as
- many recommendations as its closest competitor to get on the preliminary
- Nebula ballot, and its brilliant depiction of a credible future has appealled
- to the sense of wonder in even the most hardened of intellects.
- Yet it is also a victory that the other two novels made it on the
- ballot at all. Shiner's FRONTERA (Baen, $2.95) comes with conscious literary
- intent (allusions to Lowry, Dick, and Conrad) and decent, stylish prose; its
- flaws -- a couple of characters left hanging, a technological holy grail that
- is too powerful for the plot -- are forgiveable in a first novel.
- Dann's MAN WHO MELTED (Bluejay, $14.95) took years to find a
- publisher willing to print it, and no wonder. The raw alienness of his
- future, with its eerie religions, baffling technologies, and sensual
- onslaughts, is not for the timid; it's the sort of book a lot of people
- would rather shoot than listen to.
- And these are not the only victories. For once, there is no Connie
- Willis on the ballot. Bruce Sterling has a story up, Michael Swanwick has
- two, and Lucius Shepard three; two of the short stories, Shepard's "Salvador"
- and Zebrowski's "Eichmann Variations" are blatantly offensive and full of
- dangerously free thought.
- Political oppression breeds revolution. For every Heinlein that
- smites a Gibson, thousands more will rise in his place. The SF revolution is
- crying out for literacy, imagination, and humanity; it needs only a victory
- in the Nebulas to shatter the giant's terracotta feet. Up against the wall,
- Heinlein!
- 0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0
- CHEAP TRUTH On-Line, 809-C West 12th Street, Austin, Texas 78701 (512)
- UFO-SMOF. NOT COPYRIGHTED. Vincent Omniaveritas, editing. "The More
- Things Stay The Same, The More They Change"
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