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- $0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0 CHEAP TRUTH ONE $0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0
- EDITORIAL: Hi. You want to know the truth. We want to tell it to you.
- Let's try to keep the ECONOMICS between us to a minimum, okay? Right, let's
- do it.
- As American SF lies in a reptilian torpor, its small, squishy cousin,
- Fantasy, creeps gecko-like across the bookstands. Dreaming of dragon-hood,
- Fantasy has puffed itself up with air like a Mojave chuckwalla. SF's
- collapse had formed a vacuum that forces Fantasy into a painful and explosive
- bloat.
- Short stories, crippled with the bends, expand into whole hideous
- trilogies as hollow as nickel gumballs. Even poor Stephen Donaldson, who
- struggles to atone for his literary crimes with wet hippy sincerity, has been
- forced to re-xerox his Tolkien pastiches and doubly insult the public. As
- Robert E. Howard spins in his grave, the Chryslers of publishing attach
- rotors to his head and feet and use him to power the presses.
- But the editors have eaten sour grapes and the writers' teeth are on
- edge. Fantasy, for too long the vapid playground of McCaffreyite
- unicorn-cuddlers and insect-eating SCA freaks, has some new and dangerous
- borderlands. Suddenly, perhaps out of sheer frustration, fantasy has
- movement and color again. It is the squirming movement of corruption and the
- bright sheen of decay.
- ** Some Examples **
- NIFFT THE LEAN by Michael Shea. DAW, $2.95. Jack Vance's acolyte,
- author of the apprentice work QUEST FOR SIMBILIS, Shea has suddenly and
- fearsomely come into his own. This astonishing work shows a furious
- imaginative concentration that is impressive and even appalling. The
- legitimate heir of Vance, Leiber, and Clark Ashton Smith, Shea rips aside the
- polite, smirking ironies of these polished writers and shows us a crawling,
- boiling vision of the demonic. He is a Fender Stratocaster to Vance's
- Stradivarius.
- For those familiar with Vance's work, the effect is odd and
- disquieting, like seeing a favorite uncle stumble in, blasted on bad acid and
- mumbling cosmis obscenities. There are supernatural horrors here that make
- Cthulhu and his boys look as tame as pinstriped bankers. Hell itself, its
- denizens and environs, are captured with a revolting nicety of detail and
- expression that makes you wonder for the author's sanity.
- Shea is doing for the outworn tradition of heroic fantasy what
- Swinburne did for the tradition of romantic poetry: namely, piling it up in
- a heap and setting it on fire. And, like Swinburne, he does it with so much
- insight that he renders the tradition obsolete. Heroic fantasy is already
- moribund; Shea's book is, strictly speaking, a work of decadence, even of
- necromancy. This is an important, even crucial book, with the lurid
- brilliance and craftsmanlike discipline of a Bosch canvas. Not to be missed.
- RED AS BLOOD by Tanith Lee. DAW, $2.50. The morbid smirk of the
- stereotyped fantasy damsel on the Michael Whelan cover of this book
- personifies fantasy's new decadence. Lee's talent has always threatened to
- overwhelm the narrow limits of her innumerable cape-and-thick-ankles
- bodice-busters, and this time she has the bit between her teeth and takes off
- for parts unknown.
- She has returned to fantasy's roots -- the 4/4 beat of Grimm's fairy
- tales -- and ripped it up in a way that Ramones fans might find eerily
- familiar. This is a very punk book -- all red and black -- and it has some
- of the end-of-the-world energy of a '77 Pistols gig. These stories are
- TWISTED -- tales of bloodlust, sexual frustration, schoolgirl nastiness,
- world-devouring ennui, and a detailed obsession with Satanism that truly
- makes one wonder.
- Casual readers may find some of these stories dense and opaque.
- Lee's prose has a cryptic, involuted quality, which creates the impression
- that she is hinting at matters too blasphemous to speak of openly. It's a
- peculiar style, alternately annoying and frightening.
- Some of this apparent awkwardness is the result of a refusal to
- compromise. It is the sign of an artist struggling to explian her visions in
- what amounts to a private dialect. Even the failures are a left-handed
- tribute to her integrity. She is uniquely gifted.
- If you are the kind of fan who wants to have a dragon for a friend
- and loves small furry animals, stay away from this book, because you might
- die from it.
- LYONESSE by Jack Vance. Berkley, $6.95. This latest effort has all
- the qualities Vance devotees cherish: vivid clarity in description, clever,
- colorful protagonists, fully realized societies complete with Vance's
- trademark footnotes, and headlong, exciting plotting that has footloose
- freedom without becoming slipshod.
- It's true that Vance has only one voice: a carefully crafted,
- mock-archaic one. Vance characters, from wizards to galactic effectuators,
- always speak with the same sense of antiquated, polite calculation. In
- LYONESSE, a pair of housecats are given the power of speech, and when they
- immediately pipe up with a uniquely Vancian courteous peevishness the
- effective is irresistably (and deliberately) hilarious. It's a voice that
- has served Vance well, and has even been borrowed wholesale by Michael Shea
- without becoming tiresome.
- Vance's works have always had a veiled darker side; they are replete
- with wine-sipping perverts whose sidelong glances and polite insinuations
- hint at unspeakable vices. Vance is a writer of rare perception; although he
- created many of the parameters of modern fantasy, he is clearly aware of
- their exhaustion. His answer, like Shea's, is to turn up the amps.
- Thus we have a female character whose suffering innocence almost
- reminds one of deSade's Justine. There is a definite, quiet cruelty in this
- book that is presented with an alarming sense of relish. Characters are
- blinded, tortured, branded, buggered, thrown into wells and left to die.
- Women and children especially are singled out for torment; one long section
- is a Tanith Lee-esque black fairy tale, and its peculiar viciousness is
- cynically funny. At last Vance even turns on the reader, for the book's
- ending is a cruel joke. It hints at books to follow, but since Vance's
- languorous attitude toward sequels is legendary, his audience is probably
- doomed to a long session on the tenterhooks.
- THE FLOATING GODS by M. John Harrison. Timescape, $2.50. This book
- is called IN VIRICONIUM in Britain, but was stupidly retitled for American
- release, presumably because Timescape believes we are boneheads. It's the
- third book in a sword-and-sorcery trilogy that includes THE PASTEL CITY and A
- It's clear that a different but allied form of decadence has struck
- Across the Water. Its trademark is not perversion, but exhaustion. PASTEL
- CITY rejoiced in such sprightly characters as Tomb, "the nastiest dwarf that
- ever hacked the hands off a priest," whose rotten malevolence was a welcome
- relief from Harrison's sometimes stifling meditations on spiritual decline.
- FLOATING GODS has no such characters. It is set in a city smothered
- under a nebulous Plague Zone. Possibly Harrison has spent too much time in
- Brixton. Despair seems to have been printed across his eyeballs in letters
- of fire. THE FLOATING GODS is a relentless exercise in total, stifling
- futility; it is one long, gray, debilitating dream.
- Harrison's extraordinary talent merely crams the reader's head more
- firmly into the bucket. It is impossible to read this book without
- considering suicide. It is painful to read; painful even to think about.
- Let's hope to God something happens soon to cheer him up.
- $0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0 CHEAP TRUTH TOP TEN $0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0
- These new editions are readily available at your local
- smokestack-industry chainstore bookstand. You could do a lot
- worse.
- 1. SOFTWARE Rudy Rucker. Ace, 2.25. Pyrotechnic work by deranged math
- professor. The hottest thing going in contemporary SF.
- 2. UNIVERSE 10 Terry Carr, ed. Zebra, 2.50. Fine anthology reduced to utter
- penury. Should be bought for the good of the genre.
- 3. PAST MASTER R. A. Lafferty. Ace, 2.50. Classic Lafferty. His most
- decipherable SF novel.
- 4. THE LEFT HAND OF DARKNESS Ursula K. LeGuin. Brilliant LeGuin from her
- pre-didactic era. Has modern intro with words like "semiotic" and
- "positivist."
- 5. THE IRON DREAM Norman Spinrad. Timescape, 2.95. Biting parody of
- fascistic SF power fantasies. Genuinely bizarre.
- 6. THE MONSTER OF THE PROPHECY Clark Ashton Smith. Timescape, 2.50. Curious
- archaeological relic from the Golden Age. Outrageous, clotted prose.
- 7. THE KING IN YELLOW Robert W. Chambers. Ace, 2.50. What fantasy was like
- before its prostitution.
- 8. A WORLD OUT OF TIME Larry Niven. Del Rey, 2.50. Heartening indication
- that Niven may escape total artistic collapse.
- 9. CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS Roger Zelazny. Avon, 2.25.
- Self-indulgent pastiche of his best work. Flashes of brilliance. Beats
- being smothered in amber.
- 10. ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK Mike McQuay. Bantam, 2.50. Surprisingly decent
- novelization. Makes more sense than the
- movie.
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- CHEAP TRUTH On-Line, 809-C West 12th Street, Austin, Texas 78701. Editing:
- Vincent Omniaveritas. NOT COPYRIGHTED. Data pirates, start your engines!
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