3.2.4. Article 13

If, during an end, the cochonnet becomes dead, one of three cases can apply:

(a) If both teams have boules to play, the end is void. (b) If only one team has boules left to play, then this team scores as many points as it has boules to play. (c) If neither team has boules to play, the end is void.

Article 16 - a player belonging to the team that has won the toss or the last scoring end throws the first boule of an end. The player must not use any object to give aid in playing a boule or draw a line on the ground to indicate or mark the point of landing. While playing his or her last boule, he or she must not carry another boule in the other hand.

It is forbidden to wet the boules or the cochonnet.

If the first boule played goes out of play, the opponent plays and so on alternately while there are no boules in play.