3.2.3. Article 9

The cochonnet is deemed dead in the following six cases:

(1) When, after having been thrown, it is not within the limits as defined in Article 7.

(2) When, during an end, it is moved outside the boundary of the playing area [normally the dead boule line], even if it comes back onto the playing area. A cochonnet on the line of the boundary is still in play. It only becomes dead after having completely crossed the boundary. Where a cochonnet floats freely in water the area of the puddle is out of play.

(3) When, still on the terrain, the moved cochonnet is not visible from the circle, as defined in Article 7. However, a cochonnet hidden by a boule is not dead. The umpire may temporarily remove a boule to ascertain whether the cochonnet is visible or not.

(4) When the cochonnet is displaced to more than 20 m or less than 3 m from the throwing circle.

(5) When the moved cochonnet cannot be found after a 5 minute maximum search time.

(6) When there is dead ground between the cochonnet and the throwing circle.