A complete listing of programs on this CD.
Readme and disclaimer
Important information about using this CD.
Installing files
If you are new to installing files, see this Help Screen file for a quick overview.
Virus Warnings
Worried about viruses? See these tips.
Bugs and fixes
If your software is crashing or misbehaving, maybe it's a bug.

Star Office
Star Office is a fully integrated office suite with word processor,
spreadsheet and presentation software, plus graphics tools and more.
Includes versions for Windows 96/98/NT/2000 and Linux. Free. Fully
functional. Lots of onscreen help functions. Fully compatible with
Microsoft Office. And no registration required (just skip the rego
screen if you want)! Will not install over Microsoft Office or any
other office suite.
I want my MP3
Join the digital music revolution with these 17 original tracks by New
Zealand artists, from stomping techno to cool jazz. Like a track? Email the
Windows 2000 Service Pack 1
No need to download this 80MB essential from Microsoft: it's right
ME Too
Hey Windows 98 users: too cheap to upgrade to Windows Millennium?
Try our no-cost alternative.
Latest Web Browsers
Internet Explorer 5.5
Netscape Comunicator 4.73
Plus: get funky and fast with Opera 4.01

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Visit PC World Online for exclusive online articles, news, reviews
and PC resources.
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will automatically email you when a reply is posted.
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Internet news.
Suggest a file
Is there a program you'd like to see on a future CD? Send us an email.