Readme and disclaimer
Important information about using this CD.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Netscape Communicator 4.73, Opera
File Sharing
CuteMX 2 RC4, FileSwap 1.05 beta, Freenet 0.1b, Gnutella 0.56, Hotline
Client 1.8.2, Hotline Server 1.8.2, iMesh 1.2, Napigator 1.13, Napster
2.07b, Riffshare 0.1 beta, Scour Exchange 3 beta 4, SpinFrenzy 1.65a,
Wrapster 2.0.
Windows Me Feature
Internet Explorer 5.5, ActiveShare 1.4, AOL Instant Messenger ,
GoBack, SecondChance, Ulead Photo Explorer 6, Windows Media Player
7 .
Search Utilites
Copernic 2000, GuruNet
Acrobat Reader 4.05b, Arachnophilia 4.0 (5278), CuteFTP 4.0, DirectX
7.0a, Eudora Pro 4.3.2, GetRight 4.2c, IrfanView 3.20, ICQ 2000a
(ver 4.31), MusicMatch 5.10.0107, OptOut 0.99, Paint Shop Pro 6.02,
PGP 6.5.3, RealPlayer 7 Update 1, Visual Basic Runtime Files, WinAmp
2.6.4, WinZip 8, Word 97 Document Viewer.
StarOffice 5.2 is fully integrated office suite with Word processor,
spreadsheet and presentation software, plus graghics tools and more.
Includes versions for both Windows 95/98/NT4/2000 and Linux.
Motocross Madness 2, Age of Empires
MP3 Tracks
Avotor - earth bisqit, Avotor - imminent descent, Baitercell
- electrodaddy, Baitercell - starless, onelung - far as i, onelung
- pc world, rotor+ - 174 e, rotor+ - boxs SH1 3am, shima - anima
mundi, shima - not quite the 21st century.mp3, Signer - scooter
QB, Signer - shadow boxing, soren sorenson set - since I fell for
you, spinner - #21, spinner - every time you look around, the sharp
set - watermelon man.
Windows 2000 Service Pack 1

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