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GeneriCam Webcam Template
For a little more functionality than the PC World webcam template, try these ones from GeneriCam. Most of them do the same thing just using frames and javascript to streamline the process. For more information on these and other wbecam topics visit the GeneriCam website. Here is a clip from that site to get you started.

"These are complete Cam Page templates, free for the taking. All you have to do is add your own text and graphics, change a few names and you're up and running. They even come with remote windows. Most of them just use a simple HTML refresh and JavaScript for the timer and the remote window. The new JavaScript refresh page uses a lttle more complicated script, but the changes you have to make to it are very simple. If you want to use a Java applet to refresh your cam image, you're on your own.
I made these pages to work at any screen resolution from 640 x 480 on up. I also checked them all to make sure they work with Netscape as well as Internet Explorer. All I ask is that if you use one, please keep in mind that some people don't have the luxury of being able to use a higher screen resolution. I made the frame sizes either fixed or variable for a reason. Please leave them that way.

If you use one of these templates, please leave any credits in the code. I'm now including a non-frames page in the frames templates as I've put a filter in the code that refers frame-impaired browsers to it. Also included in most of the zips is my Small Screen Viewer Thingie!
Once you've made your page, or if you already have one, try running it through Website Garage. They have some really good free tests, including spell-checker, HTML checker, and browser compatibility and load time checks you can run on your site to see how it performs. They also have a free search engine registration tool and meta tag generator for those of you who want more traffic. Be careful with those, though. Popularity can get very expensive with cam sites."

Special Thanks to Brad McCown for giving PC World permission to include these templates on the CD.

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File Details:
Licence: Free
Platform: Windows 9x, Me, NT, 2000

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