The Next Generation...

TDS Harmonic
Enhancement Systems

The True Dimensional Sound (TDS) Harmonic Enhancement Solutions are derived from a pioneer technology that has never been conceived of, in any form or format…..UNTIL NOW!

  • TDS Digital Solutions improve your CD, MP3, Wave and all other music formats, enabling it to sound more NATURAL and LIVE by offering an increased sound stage, greater separation and detail as well as increased width, depth and spaciousness throughout the entire frequency range!
  • TDS is not subtle…’s impact is immediate and incredibly apparent!
  • TDS is not a 3-D Technology, on the contrary, TDS is recognized by music professionals for improving and restoring music fidelity!
  • Multiple Digital Audio Solutions are available to improve all music genres and will often compensate for inferior speakers and improve your entire audio system.
  • The TDS enhancement is achieved by non-uniformly amplifying select frequencies already present in the original signal, that without TDS, are not as perceptible to the human ear.
  • TDS directly addresses digital compression issues, enabling the sound quality of MP3 (and the like) music, to match or exceed CD quality!
  • TDS does not employ phase changes or time delays as part of its enhancement.
  • TDS processes all input signals LINEARLY and therefore does not introduce any frequencies that are not contained within the original signal.
  • TDS Digital Solutions total harmonic distortion (THD) is virtually 0%.
  • TDS is the only enhancement technology that directly addresses the original audio source and uniquely restores the characteristics that enable your music to sound like it was originally intended…..LIVE!

Sound Tracks Enhanced with TDS

The TDS Harmonic Enhancement Technology has been used and enjoyed by audio professionals in various fields as well as being acknowledged for it’s pioneering accomplishments:

  • Used by movie studios to enhance the sound tracks of feature films.
  • Recently incorporated into Universal Studios newest mixing facility, in California, for acoustic mastering.
  • Used by recording artists for mastering CD recordings.
  • Used by movie theaters for enhancing in-house sound systems.
  • Used by radio stations to enhance FM & AM radio broadcasts and TV stations to improve Fiber Optic CATV (cable tv).
  • Incorporated into all their products by Rowe International, world leader in high quality commercial CD Jukeboxes.
  • One of only four technologies worldwide chosen for Discover Magazines 1998 Technological Innovation Awards for Sound.
  • Finally, True Dimensional Sound, Inc. is in active discussions with several leading manufacturers (in diverse market segments) regarding the integration of the TDS Harmonic Enhancement Technology as a passive circuit, analog and digital IC’s and as a digital filter (software only) to improve the acoustic signal and sound quality in such products and areas as follows:
Computers Consumer Electronics

Voice Recognition Systems

Interconnect Cables
IP Telephony Hearing Aids
Internet/MP3/All Music Formats Cellular Communications
CB Radios Radios / TV’s
Jukeboxes Audio Broadcasts

"The Sound of Tomorrow….Today"

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