.ISP/.INS Reference Guide
Two different types of files are used in the sign-up scenario: the ISP (Internet service provider) file and the INS (Internet Setup) file. The ISP file contains the information that a computer needs to connect to a sign-up Web server connected to the PSTN (Public Switch Telephone Network). A single .isp file can be used by all computers that want to sign up.
The INS file encapsulates the parameters needed to set up Internet access and service for the customer. The INS file is generated dynamically by the sign-up server as a result of the customer signing up for an account. The .ins file will be unique for all users wanting to sign up. The Microsoft« Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) wizard enables the ISP to easily generate a large part of the .ins file.
Both the ISP and INS file formats are extensions of the Dial-Up Networking file format, which itself is a Microsoft Windows« .ini file. The common sections are listed below. The Windows .ini files have the following characteristics:
- An .ini file is divided into sections. A section heading is identified by its enclosure in square brackets (for example, [Device] is the Device section).
- The order of the sections is not important. Therefore, a particular section can be placed anywhere in the .ini file.
- Sections are delimited by one blank line.
- Each section can contain multiple entries.
- Each entry is a line of the form "EntryName=EntryValue".
- Comments in the .ini file are denoted by starting the comment with a semicolon (;).
- For complete information about the .ini file format, see the Microsoft Windows SDK.
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| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Active Setup branding section |
| WizardTitle | Text string | | Title of Active Setup wizard |
| WizardBitmap | Path | ex: | Path of bitmap to be displayed on |
| C:\bitmaps\actsetup.bmp | left-hand side of Active Setup |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Section to describe Active Setup |
| site URLs, names, and regions |
| SiteName0 | Text string | ex: Download Site 0 | Friendly name of download site. |
| SiteNameN | Text string | ex: Download Site 9 | Friendly name of download site. |
| SiteRegion0 | Text string | ex: North America | Region of download site. |
| SiteRegionN | Text string | ex: Asia | Region of download site. N=0à9 |
| SiteUrl0 | URL | ex: | Site of first download site. |
| SiteURLN | URL | ex: | Download site URL. N=0à9 |
| [Branding] See note following this table |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Internet Explorer branding |
| Add on Url | Text string | Text string of add-on component |
| CompanyName | Text string | Company name, for reference |
| only. Not used in any part of the |
| Configuration ID | Text string | Configuration ID for duplicate |
| Custom_Key | Text string | OEM customization key that is |
| InstallDir | Text string | ex: %p\Internet Explorer | Installation directory for 32-bit |
| InstallDir16 | Text string | ex: %w\IEXPLORE | Installation directory for 16-bit |
| Serverless | 1 = Yes / 0 = No |
| Silent Install | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Do a silent install? |
| Toolbar Bitmap | File name | Filename of toolbar background |
| User Agent | Text string | Text to append to default user |
| Version | Four integers | Version. |
| WebChoice | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Whether or not the user has the |
| choice to install the Windows |
| WebIntegrated | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Include Windows Desktop Update |
| Wizard_Version | numeric string | string separated by | Internal version number of the |
| periods | wizard that generated the .ins |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Content parameters section |
| DoCertificates | 1 = Yes / 0 = No |
| DoPubCertificates | 1 = Yes / 0 = No |
| DoRatings | 1 = Yes / 0 = No |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| NumFiles | number | number of files to include. |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Optional and for ISPs | Custom settings description |
| Custom_File | File name | Must be 8.3 to be used | Creates a custom file with the |
| with Windows 3.1. This file is | contents shown in the |
| always placed in the | [Custom_File] section. |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Optional and for ISPs | Custom branding cab name |
| Cab Name | File name | | points to custom branding .cab file. |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Optional and for ISPs | Custom parameter file |
| 0 | Text string | ex: " [Section]" | Line 1 of the file |
| 1 | Text string | ex: "Value1=ABC" | Line 2 of the file |
| 2 | Text string | ex: "Value2=DEF" | Line 3 of the file |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| 1= | File name | ex: 1=cancel.ins | First file name. |
| N= | File name | ex: 4=signup.isp | Nth file name. |
| NumFiles | number | Number of files. |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Desktop objects parameters |
| Control Panel Path | File name | Path to Controlp.htt. |
| Desktop Wallpaper Path | File name | Path to wallpaper file. |
| ImportToolbars | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Flag setting whether to import the |
| desktop toolbars from the current |
| My Computer Path | File name | Path to Mycomp.htt. |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Cancel | Yes / No | Used to terminate | If set to yes, the signup process |
| Isignup.exe cleanly | will be stopped, and no Internet |
| when no configuration is | configuration is to be performed |
| wanted. | on the client's system. |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Describe the favorites to add |
| Subdir\URL1 | Text string | ex: "Cool Sites\Link | Full friendly name pointing to the |
| Central.url=http://www.m | URL file for a favorites entry. |
| sn.com/access/links/other | These entries should be |
| .htm" | generated by the IEAK wizard. |
| Subdir\URL2 | Text string | Second favorite to create. |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Should be set by ISP or | Describe the POP3/SMTP Setup |
| Settings apply to Windows 3.1 |
| and Windows 95. Wizard will |
| wizard has Windows 95 in the |
| Default_Client | Yes / No | Should Outlook Express be the default |
| Domain | Domain | ex: "microsoft.com" | Domain name. This will be |
| overridden by any fully qualified |
| name that the ISP puts in the .ins |
| Email_Address | Text string | ex: "joeb@aaa.com" - | Return address of the user. |
| Email_Name | Text string | ex: "Joe B. User" - | The friendly name of the user. |
| Infopane | URL | or file name | URL of custom Infopane. |
| Infopane_Bitmap | File name | File name of bitmap to include |
| Install_Mail | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Specifies whether Internet Mail |
| Install_Mail_16 | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Whether or not to include the |
| Logon_Using_SPA | Yes / No | Logon using secure password |
| POP_Logon_Name | Text string | manual entry | POP3 logon name. |
| POP_Logon_Password | Text string | manual entry | POP3 logon password. |
| POP_Server | IP address | ex: "mail.aaa.com" | POP3 server address. |
| SMTP_Server | IP address | ex: "mail.aaa.com" | SMTP server address. |
| Use_MS_Exchange | Yes / No | If value is true, Internet Setup |
| installs and uses Exchange as the |
| Welcome_Address | Text string | Text of welcome message From: |
| Welcome_Message | File name | File name of custom e-mail |
| Welcome_Name | Text string | Text of welcome message From: |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Should be set by ISP or | Describe the NNTP setup |
| Settings apply to Windows 3.1 |
| Logon_Required | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Specifies whether the user needs |
| to be logged on to ensure |
| News_Address | Text string | Used if Email_Address is | News address. |
| News_Name | Text string | Used if Email_Name is | News username. |
| NNTP_Logon_Name | Text string | manual entry | NNTP logon name. |
| NNTP_Logon_Password | Text string | manual entry | NNTP logon password. |
| NNTP_Server | IP address | ex: "news.aaa.com" | NNTP server address. |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Lightweight Directory Access |
| AuthType | number | 0, 1, 2 | Anonymous, secure password, or |
| Bitmap | File name | LDAP service bitmap. |
| CheckNames | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Check names against the LDAP |
| server when sending mail. |
| FriendlyName | Text string | Friendly name of server. |
| HomePage | URL | Home page address. |
| SearchBase | Text string | Hierarchical level at which to |
| Server | URL | LDAP server address. |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Default signature for mail |
| Signature_Text | Text string | Signature text. |
| Use_Mail_For_News | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Use the same signature for mail as |
| Use_Signature | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Whether or not to use the mail |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| This section only applies | Proxy entry description |
| FTP_Proxy_Server | IP address | ex: http://proxyserver:80 | IP address of FTP proxy. |
| Gopher_Proxy_Server | IP address | ex: http://proxyserver:80 | IP address of Gopher proxy. |
| HTTP_Proxy_Server | IP address | ex: http://proxyserver:80 | IP address of HTTP proxy |
| followed by a colon and the port. |
| Proxy_Enable | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Specifies whether the system will |
| use a proxy server to connect to |
| Proxy_Override | List of IP address | ex: <local> | List of addresses for which to |
| bypass proxy, separated by |
| semicolons; may include the |
| Secure_Proxy_Server | IP address | ex: http://proxyserver:80 | IP address of secure proxy. |
| Socks_Proxy_Server | IP address | ex: http://proxyserver:80 | IP address of Socks proxy. |
| Use_Same_Proxy | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Specifies that the same proxy |
| server will be used for all |
| protocols. All but the HTTP proxy |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Quick Launch toolbar file |
| file0 | File name | File name of .lnk quick launch file. |
| fileN | File name | File name of .lnk quick launch file. |
| NumFiles | number | number of files to include. |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Flags to determine what security |
| ImportAUTHCODE | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Authenticode flag. |
| ImportRATINGS | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | content ratings flag. |
| ImportSECZONES | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | security zones flag. |
| ImportSITECERT | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | site certificates flag. |
| TrustedOnly | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | only use trusted certs. |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Security paramters section |
| Code Download | Yes / No | Flag for allowing users to |
| download code from the internet. |
| Security_RunActiveXCo | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Allow user to run ActiveX controls. |
| Security_RunJavaApplet | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Allow user to run Java applets. |
| Security_RunScripts | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Allow user to run scripts. |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Signature of news postings |
| Signature_Text | Text string | Uses printf style encoding (\n for |
| new-line, \\ for actual text |
| Use_Signature | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Flag to turn on or off signature |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| AutoConfig | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | Specifies whether Auto-Config is |
| AutoConfigJSURL | URL | ex: | URL of a JavaScript file that |
| http://www.server.com/au | automatically sets the proxy |
| AutoConfigTime | number | ex: 18000 | number of minutes between |
| AutoConfigURL | URL | ex: | URL of an .ins file to be used for |
| http://www.server.com/au | Auto-Config. |
| Help_Page | ex: http://abc.help.htm | Set URL for the HTML Help. |
| Home_Page | URL | ex: http://www.msn.com | The WWW client's home page |
| NoWelcome | 1 = Yes / 0 = No | | Display Internet Explorer 4.0 welcome page? |
| Quick_Link_1 | URL | ex: | Set URL for Quick Link 1. |
| Quick_Link_1_Name | Text string | ex: Best of the Web | Set name for Quick Link 1. |
| Quick_Link_2 | URL | ex: | Set URL for Quick Link 2. |
| Quick_Link_2_Name | Text string | ex: Today's Links | Set name for Quick Link 2. |
| Quick_Link_3 | URL | ex: | Set URL for Quick Link 3. |
| Quick_Link_3_Name | Text string | ex: Web Gallery | Set name for Quick Link 3. |
| Quick_Link_4 | URL | ex: | Set URL for Quick Link 4. |
| Quick_Link_4_Name | Text string | ex: Product News | Set name for Quick Link 4. |
| Quick_Link_5 | URL | ex: | Set URL for Quick Link 5. |
| Quick_Link_5_Name | Text string | ex: Microsoft | Set name for Quick Link 5. |
| FirstHomePage | | URL for first browser opening. |
| Search_Page | ex: | The WWW client's search page |
| http://ww.msn.com/acces | URL. |
| Entry | Value | Notes | Description / Purpose |
| Display_Password | Yes / No | Default = No | Should the username and |
| password be displayed to the user |
| at the completion of sign-up? |
| Name | Text string | The user name used to log in. |
| Password | Text string | The password used to log in. |
Editing the .ins File to Specify Branding Cabinet File Location
The branding cabinet file enables the administrator to apply graphical and non-string based customizations on the fly, because each .ins file can specify a unique cabinet file. Note that all cabinet files need to be signed. For more information, see Signing Your Programs.
ISP Mode
You need to add the following sections to your automatically generated .ins files or to the static .ins files on your registration server. Just specify the location of the .cab file on your registration server; you can specify the full URL or only the file name. Make sure the .cab file is in a directory that has at least read permission so that the file can be extracted properly to the client computer.
[Custom Branding]
Make sure the Serverless setting in the [Branding] section of the .ins file is set to 0. If it is set to 1, the .ins file will only look for the Branding .cab file locally.
CorpAdmin Mode
You need to add the following sections to your automatically generated .ins files or to the static .ins files on your Autoconfiguration Web Server. Just specify the location of the .cab file on your registration server; you can specify the full URL or only the file name. Make sure the .cab file is in a directory that has at least read permission so that the file can be extracted properly to the client computer.
[Custom Branding]
Cabinet files are not downloaded unless the version number has changed. Settings are refreshed after one day, even if cabinet files have not changed.
Version information appears as:
This example represents October 5, 1997, Version 12.
[Custom Desktop]
[Custom Channels]
Channels=, or another localized version of this file