Information on Internet CZ and Eunet

Basic Information

Internet CZ s.r.o. was founded on April, 9th 1993 originally under the name of COnet. As of August, 4th 1995 COnet s.r.o. was renamed to Internet CZ s.r.o. The company specializes in providing Internet connection, network-based services and complex network solutions including design, implementation and outsourcing with special emphasis on security aspects of networking. Internet CZ s.r.o. is a part of European network EUnet, which is the first and largest commercial network in Europe. Internet CZ concentrates also on the development and provision of value-added Internet services. For example our company provides exchange rates, bus and train timetables and the Prague Stock Exchange quotes on our WWW server. All of these services are provided to our customers at no extra cost.

Company Orientation

Internet CZ specializes in wide area internetworking based on TCP/IP protocols. Accordingly there are three closely related major areas of interest, exploited by Internet CZ. The main field of our activity is providing Internet connectivity along with basic network services, but we also provide value-added network services and applications and lastly, we develop complex turnkey network solutions for our customers, usually among commercial Internet users, whose networking needs include analysis of networking requirements, design of the network, implementation of the network and its connection to Internet, its day-to-day management and outsourcing of the administrative functions.
Internet CZ is a rapidly growing company, which has already since its inception carved a niche for itself in the area of Internet connectivity and expanded into additional related activities. It had a strong relationship with other EUnet providers, but operated independently of them. However, since it recently became obvious, that more global stance and tighter control was needed in the swiftly expanding and changing universe of Internet providers, Internet CZ participated in a fusion with some other EUnet providers, creating thereby a new international company EUnet International, a new and dynamically growing company, which has already profiled itself as a strong contender in the field of commercial Internet providers, with a unique position given by its long term experience in multinational European environment.
EUnet International, along with other EUnet providers, runs EUnet, the first and largest commercial PanEuropean network based on TCP/IP; it has more than 300 major node in almost 40 countries, covering great geographical expanses from Vladivostok and Iceland to North Africa. EUnet has also its own infrastructure in the U.S.A. and three direct transatlantic lines to all three Internet Exchanges in the U.S.A., which have, at the time being, aggregate capacity of 13 Mb/s; the capacity is growing continuously (doubling every half a year) to reflect growing needs of EUnet customers for high quality connectivity. Since connecting commercial customers to the Internet is the core business of EUnet, EUnet is tightly focused on providing high level of services, stressing QOS (Quality-Of-Service) control, continually monitoring uptime and effective throughput available to customers and also emphasizing long range monitoring needed for timely upgrade of line capacity.
Expertise concentrated within Internet CZ is undoubtedly one of the highest in the entire Czech Republic; networking experts now with Internet CZ used to run the EUnet node in Prague, which was for a long time the only connection of Czechoslovakia to the Internet, but they also played key roles in designing and implementing the Czech or Czechoslovak academic networks like CESNET or PASNET.
Our specialists also participate in the management of global networks, administer the NIC-CZ (Network Information Center for the Czech Republic) and were also delegated authority for managing the top level DNS domain -.cz for the entire Czech Republic. We have also full authority to assign official TCP/IP addresses to our customers. These experiences and expertise enable us to operate a stable, efficient and expanding network in a world of mushrooming Internet, where often even slight mistakes of less experienced new providers can create serious repercussions throughout the entire Internet.
Security is nowadays an extremely important aspect of networking. We are involved in activities of Computer Emergency and Response Team (CERT) groups dealing with the security of networks, and within this framework we are also members of FIRST, the world wide coordination committee of CERTs.

The Network Infrastructure of Internet CZ and Its Development

Internet CZ, as a part of EUnet International, operates the corresponding part of EUnet network in Czech Republic. The central node of Internet CZ is located in Prague, and the main connection to central EUnet node in Amsterdam is a leased line, upgraded just this month to 512 kb/s capacity in response to growing consumption of bandwidth by our customers.
The Internet CZ network is growing rapidly and it is changing and developing not only capacity of its backbone links, but according to the demands of its customers its topology and structure. As the focus of our Internet services shifted towards providing high quality services, so has changed demand for fully interactive connectivity services through leased lines, most likely driven by rapidly growing demand for WWW services. Internet CZ expanded its operation to Brno, Plze≥, Most, ╚eskΘ Bud∞jovice, Hradec KrßlovΘ, Liberec, Olomouc, Opava, Ostrava and ┌stφ nad Labem, Zlφn during the past year. We plan to include Jablonec nad Nisou, Pardubice, and Tßbor before the end of the year and also to implement the redundant topology between some of the nodes.
Internet CZ will continuously develop its infrastructure and will focus on building additional centers not only for the Internet connection, but also for consulting and support services for its customers.
©Copyright Internet CZ, 1996
Internet CZ, Slunnß 25, Praha 6, 162 00; tel.: 02-2431 1329, fax.: 02-2431 6598
This server is managed by Tom Vild. Any queries, comments and suggestions can be sent to Tom@EUnet.cz
This page was created on 27 Jule 1996