Copy a Disk to a Disk

Copy a Disk to a Disk

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Attention: All previous data on the destination disk will be completely deleted

To copy an entire disk to another one:

üClick Copy Disk to Disk on the Action Selection panel

R-Drive Image will start analyzing the computer disk configuration, the Progress... message showing the progress. Then the Object Selection panel will show the configuration.

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Disk Configuration

Primary partition Logical disk Unallocated space

Note: If other low-level disk software (including Windows internal services) is running, the Error: Another partitioner is active message may appear and R-Drive Image will not go to the next panel. Stop this low-level disk software or wait until Windows services stop this low-level disk access before proceeding further.

éSelect the disk object on the Source: on the Object Selection panel, select a destination, and click the Next button

You may select only one object at a time, and you need to specify the destination to proceed further.

Note: If you want to copy an entire hard drive to another hard drive, you may do this only if they are of the same model.

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If the destination is smaller than the selected object, R-Drive Image will show the Source is larger than Destination message and you will need to select another destination.

If you select several partitions as the destination, R-Drive Image will show the You have selected several partitions... message. If you click the OK button, all those partitions will be deleted and data will be restored on that free space.

Note: Although R-Drive Image shows unallocated space instead of the deleted partitions, the partitions and their data will be actually deleted only when R-Drive Image starts copying the data.

Selected Object and Destination

Primary partition Logical disk Unallocated space

If you try to copy data to or from a system, or other disk locked by the system or other application, the Disk not locked message will appear.

To continue copying you may:

·If you copy data to or from your system disk, select Restart computer (recommended) to continue restoring the data in the R-Drive Image startup mode. Read carefully the Disk to Disk Copy topic before you proceed.
·If you copy data to a disk locked by other low-level disk software (including Windows internal services), stop this software and select Retry to lock the disk once again.
·You may also try to unlock the disk by selecting Force Windows to unlock the disk (not recommended). If Windows fails to unlock the disk, the Disk not locked message will appear again. You will need to stop the software locking the disk manually or select Restart computer (recommended) to continue copying the data in the R-Drive Image startup mode.

Note: Use this option cautiously, because it may cause unpredictable results including system crash and data loss.

âSpecify copy parameters on the Restore/Copy Parameters panel and click the Next button

Restore parameters

Restore Options

You may visually adjust the location and size of the object to be restored. All other restore options will be adjusted accordingly. Also, when you adjust one or several restore options directly, these changes will be shown visually. Green marks available space.

Minimum partition size

Minimum partition size that may be allocated for the data in the image. Depends on how much free space is in the data in the image and its file system.

Maximum partition size

Maximum partition size that may be allocated for the data in the image. Depends on the file system of the selected object.

Free space before

You may specify the size of free space that will be left on the hard drive before the beginning of the partition.

Partition size

You may specify the size of the partition to be restored. Should be between the minimum and maximum partition size.

Free space after

You may specify the size of free space that will be left on the hard drive after the end of the partition.

Partition type

Primary (Active)/ Primary/Logical

You may specify the type of the partition to be restored. Do not change this setting unless you have serious reasons to do so.

File system for the selected partitions

You may select the file system for the partition to be restored.

Drive letter for the selected partition

Select the letter that will be assigned to the partition. You may select "Do not connect" if you do not want to connect this partition to your system.

äVerify that the information on the Processing panel is correct and click the Start button

You may add other objects and copy data to several destinations in one process. Select Add another object to copy in the Next Selection on the Processing panel and click the Next button.

ÜR-Drive Image will start copying the data from the source to the selected destination place.

When the data is copied, the Object copied successfully message will appear.

If some other program (like a file manager) is accessing the partition on which the data is to be restored, the Cannot lock the disk message will appear. Close this program or make it stop accessing the partition.

If you copy an entire hard drive to another hard drive, two absolutely identical hard drive will appear in your system. That will confuse it and may cause unpredictable results. To prevent that, a Disk copied successfully message will appear. You may turn your system off to disconnect one of the disks, or restart it to disable one of the disk in the BIOS of your system. Even if you decide to click the Cancel button, the target disk will not appear until system restart.


The Disk Actions chapter explains basic disk actions.

The Advanced Disk Actions chapter explains how to perform advanced disk actions.

The Technical Information chapter gives technical information on Supported CD and DVD Recorders and List of Supported Hardware Devices

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