Text Object

This window provides a text editor enabling you to insert and edit text as well as setting colors and fonts.

The text editor appears as in the following image:

Editor di testo

You have the following options:


Cut [CTRL+X]
Cut the selected text to paste it in a different area.


Copy [CTRL+C]
Copy the selected text to paste it in a different area.


Paste [CTRL+V]
Paste text from the clipboard by clicking Cut or Copy.

Using the Cut, Copy and Paste controls you can easily import text from any other application. In the Copy and Paste operations the HTML formats are kept.


Undo [CTRL+Z]
Undo the last operation.

Inserimento codice HTML

Enable HTML Code
Insert HTML code directly into your web page. Usually the characters < and> are interpreted as "less than" and "greater than". In HTML they are interpreted as a HTML TAG.
Font Selection
To select the type of character (font) to use.

The font selection menu lists all the fonts installed on your machine. If the used font is not installed also on the computer of the website visitor, it will be automatically replaced with a system font similar to the starting one.

Dimensione del font

Font Size
Allows you to select the font size.


Bold [CTRL+B]
Bolds the selected text.


Italic [CTRL+I]
Allows you to Italicise your text.


Underline [CTRL+U]
Underline the selected text.

Colore del testo

Text Color
Change the color of the selected text through the Color window.

Allineamento a sinistra

Align left
Align the selected text to the left.

Allineamento centrato

Align center
Align the select text to the centre.

Allineamento a destra

Align right
Align the selected text to the right.

When all settings have been made proceed by pressing one of the following buttons:


Ok: Return to the Object Insertion window whilst saving the changes you have made


Cancel: Return to the Object Insertion window without saving the changes you have made.