Main Program Window

Active Virus Shield main window provides you with a simple and easy-to-use interface for interacting with the program. It can be divided into two parts:
After selecting a section or component in the left part of the window, you will find information in the right-hand part that matches your selection.
The elements in the main window navigation panel are described below in more details.
Main Window Section
This window informs you of the protection status of your computer. The Protectionsection has individual tasks for this.

Here you will find general information about Active Virus Shield. You can verify that all the components are running correctly and examine the general statistics.
You can also enable/disable protection components here.
To view statistics and settings for a specific protection component, you need only select the name of the component about which you want information in the Protection section.
To scan your computer for malicious files or programs, use the special Scan section in the main window.

This section contains a list of objects that you can scan for viruses. These include the critical areas, startup programs, and a full computer scan.
The Service section includes additional features of Active Virus Shield.

Here you can update the program, view reports on the performance of any of the Active Virus Shield components, work with quarantined objects and backup copies, review technical support information, provide e-mail feedback, and report a bug.
The comments and tips section is always available as you use the program.

In this section, you can read tips on raising the level of protection on your computer. You will also find comments about the current performance of the program and its settings. Using the links in this section, you can easily take the recommended actions or view information in more detail.

Each element of the navigation panel is accompanied by a special context menu that contains information on protection components and tools which help the user quickly configure the components, manage them, and view reports. There is an additional menu item provided for custom defined virus scan tasks.