Encode Music Files

QCD now allows you to record, convert, and encode music in a format of your choosing! You can encode your music CD's onto your computer, convert them into any format you like, such as wav or mp3, and store them in an organized fashion you select. QCD can also convert your existing audio files into other formats.

Select an Encoding Format

Select and configure the Encoder Plug-in QCD will use for encoding new audio files.


Do this:

Open the Encoding Settings window

  1. Bring up the QCD Preferences (Ctrl+P or use the menu button at the top left of the base skin).

  2. Go to the Settings >Encode Format Preferences page.

  3. Choose your format using the Select Encoding Format drop down menu.

Tip:  Encoder Plug-ins are available for download at www.quinnware.com.

Configure the Encoding Format

In the Encoding Settings window, click the Configure Format button to bring up settings for an individual Encoder Plug-in.

Edit the filename and location of encoded files

  1. In the Output Files window, click the Root output folder: to select the default folder for encoded files.

  2. Click the Output folder\filename template: menu to select how encoded files are named and organized.

Tip:  Setting the Root output folder to

"C:\My Music\Mp3\"

and the Output folder\filename template to

"artist\album\artist - album - 01 - title"

will create files with names like

"The Beatles - Rubber Soul - 05 - Think For Yourself.mp3"

which will be stored in a folder called

"C:\My Music\Mp3\The Beatles\Rubber Soul\"

Tip: Learn how to: Use the Filename Template Editor.

Encode CD's to the Hard Drive

Encode audio CD's into files on your hard drive.


Do this:

Load CD tracks into the Encoder List

  1. Insert an audio CD.

  2. Click the Encoder button (#23 in the base skin).

  3. Click the Source button and select the audio CD.

  4. Select which tracks will be encoded by using the Select All or Select None buttons (#7 & #8 in the QCD Encoder Controls) or by simply clicking on tracks to select or deselect them.

Encode CD tracks onto your hard drive.

  1. Make sure the Encode Format has been set. (#3 in the QCD Encoder Controls).

  2. Click the Encode button (#11 in the QCD Encoder Controls).

View Encoded Files

  1. Click the Explore Encode Folder button (#9 in the QCD Encoder Controls) to explore the default encode folder.

Convert Audio Files into Another Format

You can also convert your existing audio files into other formats using the Encoder Plug-ins. Convert between wav, mp3, or any other format available using the Encoder Plug-ins.


Do this:

Add your audio files to the Playlist

Read the Playing an Audio File and Playing a Stream sections.

Convert your audio files.

  1. Right click on a file in the playlist.

  2. Select Convert.

  3. Select either Convert All to or Convert Selected to.

  4. Choose the format you want to convert your audio files into.


For more information about encoder settings, see: Preferences: Encoding.

To learn about encoder plug-ins, go to: Plug-ins: Encoders.

To learn about the filename templates, see How To: Use the Filename Template Editor.

For information about the encoder, see: Encoder Controls.

For more information about copying music from a CD to your hard drive, see How To: Copy A CD to Your Hard Drive.