
5.1 [07/13/2005]

NEW: Histogram adjustment window;
NEW: Filter Browser;
NEW: Image arithmetic: max, min, difference, etc.;
NEW: Automatic saturation enhancement;
NEW: Automatic contrast enhancement;
NEW: straighten images;
NEW: Automatic rotation using EXIF;
NEW: Adjust RGB filter;
NEW: Scripts for filters allow save/load/configure filter sequences, are now used in Pre-Processing and Batch Conversion. Many scripts are created;
NEW: Notification bars - instead of using dialog box for warning messages special window appear without pausing operation;
NEW: Batch conversion: save frames, execute scripts, works with jpeg loss-less filters and combinations;
NEW: Selections Save/Load, Get from mask;
NEW: Meta-data operations: Load from other image, remove EXIF thumbnail, write EXIF/IPTC, clear meta-data;
NEW: On mutex run files are seamlessly added to current viewer if multiple instances are not allowed;
UPDATE: Many improvements and fixes in all GUI elements; Thumbnails, Image View, Image Info, etc.;
UPDATE: Contrast algorithm improved;
UPDATE: Filters using LUT are faster: negative, contrast, brightness, etc.;
FIX: Fixed different errors in printing.

Plug-in Extended Formats:

NEW Filter: JPEG automatic loss-less rotation using EXIF orientation;
UPDATE: JPEG loss-less operations now modify EXIF orientation tag according to transformation;
UPDATE: Biorad-PIC format now loads correct pixel scale;
UPDATE: Added better GeoTIFF listing;
UPDATE: Return original max/min as metadata for 16bit images;
FIX: Problem writing fluoview tiff meta-data.

Plug-in Extended Filters:

NEW Filters: Smooth, Gaussian Blur, Median Strong and color space conversions.

Plug-in DCRAW:

NEW: Support for Adobe Digital Negative (DNG);
NEW: Thumbnail support for CR2 file format;
NEW: Thumbnail support for ORF;
NEW: Thumbnail support for X3F;
NEW: metadata-text output for X3F;
UPDATE: update to new dcraw code v7.24 rev 1.262.

Plug-in Morphology (NEW):

NEW: Morphology filters: dilation, erosion, open and close for gray-scale or 24 bit images using Cross and Square kernels.

5.0.5 [04/02/2005]

Build 92
NEW: Finally released Viewer Documentation.
UPDATE: Minor interface improvements.
Build 91
UPDATE: Improved RAW guessing interface.
UPDATE: Fixed and improved image comparison.
Build 90
FIX: Fixed error in creating the thumbnail for the very big image - not enough memory.
Build 89
NEW: Remember last used format from Save As dialogs.
UPDATE: Cursor position precision improved and other small GUI updates.
FIX xtdFormats: Used latest libtiff 3.7.2 and fixed problem in reading LZW compressed RGB TIFF with predictor > 1.
Build 88
NEW: Effects: Drop Shadow
NEW: Added extension field for batch rename
NEW: Some improvements in GUI. Ex: Show file info in status bar and also in full screen view.
UPDATE: Many improvements and fixes in Thumbnail View increasing speed and functionality.
UPDATE: Updates in thumbnail cache.
UPDATE: Some improvements for Update manager.
FIX DCRAW: Canon CR2 are displayed correctly including metadata.
FIX xtdFormats: Fixed problems in saving certain meta-data fields in TIFF.

5.0.4 [02/12/2005]

NEW: Create multipage images: GIF, TIFF.
NEW: New sort methods in Play List and Thumnail View: a) By extracting numbers from file names, discarding all text b) By separating file name in blocks of text and numbers and standard others like Name, Size, Type, etc.
NEW: New convert color spaces: RGB<->HSL, RGB<->CMYK, RGB<->YUV(YCrCb)
NEW: Load/Save palette and many fixes in palette handling.
UPDATE: Many format manager, GUI and thumbnails improvements.
BUG: Fixed error in NEF (Nikon RAW) file reading preview instead of the actual image.

5.0.3 [01/22/2005]

NEW: eUpdate - Maintain viewer up-to-date using Internet.
NEW: Sort Play List by extracting numbers from file names, discarding all text.
NEW: New swap channels filters: RGB->RBG, RGB->BRG, RGB->GRB, RGB->GBR.
UPDATE: Improved open from URL.
UPDATE: Improved error messages.
BUG: Fixed error in RAW filter saving 8 bit images.

5.0.2 [01/19/2005]

Build 84
UPDATE: Improved EXIF support for Digital Cameras RAW files.
FIX: Small fixes in format manager.
NEW eXTnDed formats: Added support for NanoScope II/III images.
NEW DCRAW: Support for more Digital Camera's RAW files:

( Canon PowerShot G6, Canon PowerShot S60, Canon PowerShot S70 , Canon PowerShot Pro1 , Canon EOS 20D , Canon EOS-1DS , Canon EOS-1D Mark II , Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II , Casio Exlim Pro 600 , Epson R-D1 , Fuji FinePix E550 , Fuji FinePix F700 , Fuji FinePix F810 , Fuji FinePix S3Pro , Fuji FinePix S20Pro , Fuji FinePix S5100/S5500 , Kodak DCS Pro 14nx , Kodak DCS Pro SLR/c , Kodak DCS Pro SLR/n , Konica KD-400Z , Konica KD-510Z , Leaf Valeo 11 , Leaf Valeo 22 , Leaf Volare , Leica Digilux 2 , Minolta DiMAGE 5 , Minolta DiMAGE 7 , Minolta DiMAGE 7Hi , Minolta DiMAGE A2 , Minolta DiMAGE A200 , Minolta DiMAGE G400 , Minolta DiMAGE G500 , Minolta DiMAGE G600 , Minolta DiMAGE Z2 , Minolta DYNAX/MAXXUM 7D , Nikon D70 , Nikon E3700 ("DIAG RAW" hack) , Nikon E5400 , Nikon E8700 , Nikon E8800 , Olympus C70Z,C7000Z , Olympus C8080WZ , Olympus E-300 , Panasonic DMC-LC1 , Pentax *ist DS , Pentax Optio S , Sony DSC-V3 )

Build 82 - 01/16/2005
NEW: Improved rectangle selection, with shift freezes aspect ratio and with ctrl moves the rectangle.
NEW: Added selection area calculation in pixels and physical units.
UPDATE: Improved thumbnails UI.
FIX: Small embedded filter fixes.
FIX: Small fixes in RAW parameters guessing.

5.0.1 [01/10/2005]

NEW: Small thumbnail added to Tabs window, enabling fast scrolling and zoom change.
NEW: Fast tool selection added to Tabs window.
NEW: Selection of icon to show for image files.
NEW: Full Screen Navigate updated, image can be scrolled from thumbnail view. If image is geo-referenced then the physical location is displayed.
NEW: Line selection tool shows physical distance if image contains valid meta-data. For GeoTIFF and GeoJPEG2000 distance in meters is displayed, for medical images in microns.
NEW filters: Lossless JPEG operations.
NEW formats: GeoTIFF and GeoJpeg2000 correctly read and save meta-data.
UPDATE formats: Fluoview TIFF - updated channel interpretation and metadata retrieval.
UPDATE: Default Play List and Thumbnail cache are saved in user dependent folder.
FIX: Many UI and functionality fixes and updates.

5.0.0 [11/20/2004]

New release 5.0.0 Build 77 consists of approximately 200 items improved and added in relation to Image Viewer 2.