Program settings

Program settings are organized in 5 major tabs:

Tab "General"

Warn at start about conflicting hotkeys

Check this option if you want to be notified about conflicting system-wide hotkeys. In case of hotkeys conflicts go to the Hotkeys configuration dialog and select unique hotkeys for items marked in red.

Start minimized

Check this option if you want MWSnap to start in minimized mode. This option is especially useful when "Autostart with Windows"  option is checked.

Auto-start with Windows

Check this option if you want MWSnap to start automatically with Windows to be always available. When enabling this option, consider checking also the "Start minimized" option.

Minimize to tray

Check this option if you want minimized MWSnap to appear as a tiny icon in the system tray (where the clock is displayed) instead of a standard big button in the task bar.

Note that left-clicking MWSnap's icon in the system tray restores the program window. Right-clicking it opens a popup menu with all most often used commands.

Tab "Snapping"

Delay before snapping [ms]

Use this field to define the delay (in ms) MWSpan will wait with capturing. The delay is necessary for MWSnap to hide it's window and to refresh the display. As a rule slower computers need higher values. For 300-500MHz machines the delay of 600 ms is usually sufficient.

Hide MWSnap before snapping

Check this option if you want MWSnap's window to hide itself before capturing is performed. Uncheck the option if you want MWSnap to capture its own image :)

Auto copy snapped image to the clipboard

Check this option if you want every captured image to be automatically put on Windows clipboard. This setting is especially useful when you insert captured images directly to the word processor or an HTML editor.

Mark cursor position in snap preview

Check this option is you want to see precisely the cursor position when capturing rectangular areas. The cursor position marking makes it easier to perform precise captures, but in some cases it can be obtrusive.

Tab "Auto-saving"

Auto-saving is active

Check this option to enable the auto-saving feature of MWSnap. When the option in enabled, every captured image will be automatically saved to the specified location in the configured format, with the configured file name.


Use the list to select the format for auto-saved images. Note that you can select the format only. Image parameters, like color depth, quality or transparency will be identical to those last specified when saving manually.

Save to folder

Use this field to specify the location for auto-saved images.

Prompt for each file name

Check this option if you want to be asked for the file name of each image being auto-saved.

Use this file name

Check this option if you want auto-saved images to be saved fully automatically. The field right to the option allows to specify the fixed prefix of the file name.

Auto-add numeric suffix

Check this option if you want every auto-saved image to automatically get a numeric suffix appended to the fixed part of the file name. The numeric suffix will auto-increment, like in in Snapshot_001.bmp, Snapshot_002.bmp, ...

Start at

Use this field to specify the start value for the suffixes of auto-saved images.

Go up to

Use this field to specify the end value for the suffixes of auto-saved images. Note that the count of digits in the max value defines also the length of the numerical suffix.

Tab "Fixed sizes"

Add new

Use this button to enter manually a new size to the list of fixed sizes. Note that there exists also an interactive method for specifying non-standard fixed sizes.


Use this button to delete the currently highlighted fixed size from the list.

Move up

Use this button to move the currently highlighted fixed size up. Note that last used fixed sizes are automatically put at the top of the list.

Move down

Use this button to move the currently highlighted fixed size down.


Use this button to reset the set of fixed sizes to the standard list.

Tab "Appearance"

Background color

Click the field to select a color used for the preview panel background.

Ruler color

Click this field to select a color used for the ruler tool background.
