Hot keys

System-wide hotkeys implemented in MWSnap make it possible to start capturing immediately without prior activating the MWSnap window. MWSnap can be hidden below other windows, or can be minimized or iconized - it will listen for its hot key combinations. 

A hot key is a combination of at least 2 keys: a base key (A..Z, F1..F12) plus any set of <Alt>, <Shift>, and <Ctrl> keys.  Hot keys configuration dialog allows defining custom hot keys for all capturing modes. It allows also enabling all or only selected hotkeys.

Hot keys must be unique in the whole system. In case an application has been started that uses the same combination of the keys, MWSnap will report it and deactivate the conflicting hot key. The hot keys dialog will mark such conflicting hot keys in red.

For hot keys to work MWSnap MUST be started. It doesn't have to be open on the screen - it can be minimized or iconized (minimized to the system tray).
