The Sambar Server Pro includes a Document Manager interface which allow
the server administrator (or, if WebDAV is enabled,
any user) to remotely maintain the content of the server.
From a web browse, the Document Manager interfaces allow:
- Create/delete/update a server file within the Documents Directory
- Create/delete a directory within the Documents Directory
- Upload "most recently changed" files to another server via FTP, preserving
the directory structure
- Query all documents in a "directory tree" for one or more terms.
- Version control of files (if WebDAV is enabled)
Below is a sample of the Document Manager browser interface. Clicking
on the icon to the left of the file displays the file in your browser;
clicking on the folder icon changes to the selected directory.
Important: The interface displayed below illustrates the
Content Versioning functionality enabled when
WebDAV is enabled. This interface is available from the
/sysuser/docmgr/ forms.
To restrict usage to this interface and prevent possible abuse, make sure
to set your admin account password and secure the
System Administrator IP in the config/config.ini to those
computers which you will use to access the server with.
For added security, you should change the System Administrator account
to a user other than admin. Finally, when WebDAV is enabled,
user accounts have access to these same forms. To modify content, users
must have READWRITE FTP priviledges on the directory (from the
config/passwd file).
Further per-user access controls can be enforced via security.ini
or .htaccess policies.
Warning: If you modify the Documents Directory in
the config.ini, the corresponding FTP Document Directory in
the user's passwd file must be modified to correspond to the
change. Specifically, you will likely want to change the admin user's
directory from /docs/ to /.
FTP To...
The FTP To... feature allows the document manager user to
upload "most recently changed" files to another server via FTP, preserving
the directory structure. No version control information is uploaded
via FTP, only content files. This allows users to use the Sambar Server
as a development server then upload files to a production server.
User: stacia
Space: 10.42 MB / unlimited
Browsing path: /
Document Manager
Refreshes the page
Opens the Template page to create a new document
Opens the File Upload Form to add a new document to the site
Clicking takes you into that folder
Filename =
Clicking on the file name itself takes you to Edit the page
Clicking gives Information, properties, and options for the file
Edit = a
text editable version with the raw HTML code. Always a
good choice.
ieEdit = What You See Is What You Get version. it works only with Internet Explorer
Rename = renames the file - good if you want to make a backup before uploading a new one.
Delete = deletes the item completely
Mail = you can mail that item to yourself or whoever you want to.
Lock = Locks the file so no one else can edit it while you're working on it
UnLock = Unlocks the file
Update = Takes you to the Upload Form
Checkout = Checks-out the file when using Version Control
CheckIn = Checks the file back in for Version Control
Un-Checkout = Ooops!
Tutorial courtesy of James Wright