The Hotlist is an essential part of Opera, easily enabled with the F4 key. The Hotlist is organized into panels.
There are three permanent panels in Opera: Bookmarks, Contacts and E-mail.
Right-clicking the top of the Hotlist opens a menu.
Docked | Glue the Hotlist to the left side of the screen |
Floating | Let you move the Hotlist around anywhere you want |
Toggle | Show and hide the Hotlist |
Always on top | Put the Hotlist in front of all other windows |
Show panels » | Show and hide the panels you have added yourself |
Add panel | Create a new panel |
Edit panel | Edit the panel you are pointing to |
Delete panel | Delete the panel you are pointing to |
Get panels | Go to the MyOpera community to get panels |
Preferences | Edit preferences for the Hotlist |
You can add your own panels containing Web pages. Many Web sites have special pages intended for this. Some even provide special links that add the panel when clicked. Since the Hotlist area is usually thin and high, suitable pages should have the same aspect ratio.
To add a panel, right-click the top of the hotlist and select Add panel. The page you are viewing will be suggested to use in the panel. If you want a different title or page, type it in.
Bookmarks is a list of shortcuts to Web pages. Opera comes pre-installed with a host of popular sites, and you may add as many of your own as you wish.
To go to a bookmark, double-click the bookmark. To open the bookmark in a new window, press Shift and double-click the bookmark. To open the bookmark in the background, press Ctrl + Shift and double-click the bookmark.
To create a bookmark for the Web page you are currently viewing, click .
To find particular bookmarks, enter text in the find field. This will dynamically gather all bookmarks that contain your entered text in a folder called "Find results".
Bookmarks may be organized into sub-folders. To create a sub-folder, first click the folder you want as parent for the sub-folder, then click .
To configure display in the Bookmarks, click . From here you can...
To move sub-folders around, click the folder and hold the mouse button down, move the mouse to where you want to move the folder, and let go of the button.
To open all the bookmarks in a sub-folder, drag and drop the the folder into the browsing area.
Right-clicking the bookmark area opens a menu...
Open bookmark | Open selected bookmark in active browser window |
Open in new window | Open selected bookmark in a new browser window |
Add page | Create a bookmark for the Web page you are viewing (in active folder) |
Add all | Create bookmarks for all pages you have open (in active folder) |
Cut | Copy selected bookmarks/folders to clipboard, then delete them |
Copy | Copy selected bookmarks/folders to clipboard |
Paste | Paste bookmarks/folders in clipboard into active folder |
Delete | Delete selected bookmarks/folders |
Select all | Select all bookmark folders and bookmarks in active folder |
New » | |
Bookmark | Create a new bookmark in active folder (type in address from scratch) |
Folder | Create a new bookmark sub-folder into the active folder |
File » | |
New | Create a new, empty bookmark file (existing bookmarks are of course kept) |
Open | Switch between different bookmark file |
Save | Explicitly save active bookmark file (always saved automatically though) |
Save as | Save all bookmarks to a different bookmark file |
Save selected items as | Save only the selected bookmarks to a different bookmark file |
Insert bookmarks | Merge Opera bookmarks or Netscape bookmarks into active folder |
Import Internet Explorer favorites | Merge bookmarks from Internet Explorer into active folder |
Properties | Edit properties for selected bookmark or folder (including "Bookmarks") |
Contacts contains contact information about all your friends, such as e-mail address, telephone number and postal address, homepage on the Internet, etc. Unlike Bookmarks, Contacts does not come pre-installed with a host of friends who love you no matter what you do, but hopefully you have some friends you can add here. :O) Using Opera's built-in Instant Messenger, you can even find new friends on the Net.
If you are using Instant Messaging, and a friend is on-line, double-clicking your friend will let you chat with your friend. If your friend is unavailable, double-clicking will let you send an e-mail instead.
To add a new contact, click . While you are reading an e-mail in Opera's e-mail client, press Ctrl + I to create contact information for the person who sent you the e-mail.
Contacts may be organized into sub-folders, just like Bookmarks. The same functionality applies. Click to create a sub-folder for contacts with something in common, for example your work colleagues, friends, etc.
To configure display in the Contacts, click . From here you can...
Right-clicking the contact area opens a menu...
Compose e-mail | Compose an e-mail to the selected contact |
Send instant message | Send an instant message to the selected contact |
Visit homepage | Visit the selected contact's homepage |
To: | Make the selected contacts primary recipients of an e-mail |
Cc: | Make the selected contacts secondary recipients of an e-mail |
Bcc: | Make the selected contacts hidden recipients of an e-mail |
Cut | Copy selected contacts/folders to clipboard, then delete them |
Copy | Copy selected contacts/folders to clipboard |
Paste | Paste contacts/folders in clipboard into active contact folder |
Delete | Delete selected contacts/folders |
Select all | Select all contacts/folders in active contact folder |
New » | |
Contact | Create a new contact in active folder (type in information from scratch) |
Folder | Create a new contact sub-folder in the active contact folder |
File » | |
New | Create a new, empty contact file (existing contacts are of course kept) |
Open | Switch between different contact files |
Save | Explicitly save active contact file (always saved automatically though) |
Save as | Save all contacts to a different contact file |
Properties | Edit properties for selected contact or folder (including "Contacts") |
Opera's built-in e-mail client lets you access and organize your e-mail folders through the Hotlist.
To perform operations on an e-mail folder, right-click on the folder to bring up a menu.
Mark all as read | Mark all e-mail in the active folder as read |
Find | Find e-mails in active folder containing particular text |
New folder | Create a sub-folder under the active folder |
Compress | Clean up remains on previously deleted e-mail |
Empty trash | Physically remove deleted e-mail from trashcan |
Delete | Delete the active folder and its sub-folders |
Properties | Edit properties of the active folder |
Note: To create your first e-mail folders, right-click the account icon in the upper-left corner.
The main bar contains a set of buttons that help you to do essential Web browsing, including...
You can configure the main bar by right-clicking it, or from View on the main menu.
The personal bar displays bookmarks you use often on the screen all the time, so you can reach them instantly without having to go through the Hotlist.
You can also put your favorite Web searches on the personal bar, so you can use them immediately without having to choose search engine first.
From Main bar under View on the main menu, you can select...
Drag and drop works like magic with the personal bar...
To open a bookmark on the personal bar, just click it. Press Shift to open in new window, and Ctrl + Shift to open in the background.
If you click a bookmark folder on the personal bar, you'll get a menu with all the bookmarks in that folder. If you press Shift and click, all the bookmarks in the folder will be opened automatically.
If you right-click on a bookmark on the personal bar, you'll get a menu where you can delete the bookmark, or edit its properties.
You can configure the personal bar by right-clicking it, or from View on the main menu.
The address bar consists of (left to right)...
You can configure the address bar by right-clicking it, or from View on the main menu.
If you run choose to run Opera with Multiple Document Interface (MDI) on Opera startup, all your Opera windows appear inside a single Opera application. The window bar gives you overview over and access to all your open windows, and replaces the page bar that appears in Single Document Interface (SDI).
You can do the following with the window bar.
Toggle between windows | Click buttons on window bar |
Create new, empty page | Double-click window bar |
Open a link in a new window | Press Shift and click the link |
Close a window | Press Shift and click button on window bar |
Show menu for window | Right-click button on window bar |
You can configure the window bar by right-clicking it, or from View on the main menu.
If you run choose to run Opera with Single Document Interface (SDI) on Opera startup, all your Opera windows appear in their own Opera application. However, in addition you can have multiple pages inside each of the Opera windows. The page bar gives you access to these pages through nice tabs, and replaces the window bar that appears in Multiple Document Interface (MDI).
You can do the following with the page bar.
Toggle between pages | Click tabs on page bar |
Create new, empty page | Double-click page bar |
Open link in new page | Press Alt + Shift and click link |
Open link in background page | Press Shift + Alt + Ctrl and click link |
Open page in new window | Doubleclick tab |
Close page | Press Shift and click tab |
Show menu for page | Right-click tab |
You can do about anything with drag and drop from and to the page bar.
Drag to Hotlist | Add bookmark for page |
Drag to personal bar | Add page to personal bar |
Drag to Operating System desktop | Open page in new window |
Drag to page bar in other window | Move page to other window |
Drag to Web page area | Activate page |
Drag from personal bar | Open page |
You can configure the page bar by right-clicking it, or from View on the main menu.
When you are pointing to something with your mouse, the status bar will display information about it. This includes...
The status bar can also show the time.
You can configure the status bar by right-clicking it, or from View on the main menu.
When a Web page loads, a progress bar displays the following information (left to right):
Learn more about fine-tuning toolbars
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