Here you can fine-tune how the toolbars in Opera should look. A toolbar is a set of user interface buttons belonging together.
Opera has the following toolbars:
Main bar | The toolbar with the Back and Forward buttons |
Hotlist | The toolbars in the Hotlist, including Bookmarks, E-mail, and Contacts |
Windows | The toolbars in windows other than browser windows, that is e-mail, messaging, news windows and the transfer window |
Transfer bar | The toolbar in the transfer window |
Address bar | The toolbar in browser windows |
For each toolbar type, you can decide if the buttons should have...
The address bar sits on the top of every browser window in Opera, and consists of several elements. If you don't use some of them, you can turn them off.
When loading a Web page, a progress bar is displayed. You can decide whether you want it to pop up at the bottom of the browser window, or if you want it to take the place of the address field for as long as the loading goes on. In the former case, you will see and use the address field even though loading a new page. In the latter case you will not.
If you want to squeeze the buttons together to fit on smaller screens, turn off fixed button width so each button takes only the space it needs.
When you reduce the width of the main Opera window, you can choose whether to wrap the main bar into multiple rows.
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