Files Menu
New file: creates a new file 256 bytes by default. Use change file size to take
control over the file's size.
Change file size: use this command to change the file
size of the selected file.
- Open file: opens a file to the editor. Any previous files opened in the
editor will be moved to the background and you must use the active monitor's Files tab
to restore them.
- Open Drive: opens a logical or physical drive in the
editor. Note that not all drive operations are available for all Windows versions.
- Open port: opens a Communication port
(COM) for input and sends data (optionally) to Hackman for processing.
- Open special: opens multiple files in the
hex editor. Use this command when you want to open certain files that meet certain criteria.
Change offset: you may declare the start point of the main source
of a file. This option ensures that you are able to skip headers or other
garbage info.
Close: closes current file and removes its entry from Files tab (active monitor).
Save as...: use this command to save your file with another name. The logged
file will not be changed. When editing a hard disk, this command reverts to Save Sector As.
Backup: creates a quick backup of the file (*.bck extension). When editing a
hard disk, this command reverts to Backup sector.
Export selection: saves a selected portion to an external file. To select a
portion, double click the hex part of the code (start point) and again double click it to
define the ending point.
Anatomy: gives you general information about the selected file
(attributes, length, location) and some code information (type, offset). Not available
when not in file editing mode.
Properties: allows you to change fileÆs properties. Setting
the file as Read-Only does not allow you to save changes. Not available when not in file
editing mode.
Print: enables you to print out (can be a portion of) the logged file.
Print preview: previews what it'll be printed.
Print to file: the same operation with Print command but instead
of using a printer device, it uses a file.
Print as text: sends the file to the preview engine as plain text.
Exit: exits the program without saving changes or prompting
you to save them.