GNU Development Resources

 [image of the Head of a GNU]

Table of Contents


This page describes the development services available for GNU developers on GNU Project machines. If you would like to make use of one of these service for development of a GNU package, please contact the address listed for the particular service.

With the abundance of inexpensive computers that can run GNU/Linux, as well as the greater availability of Internet access, many GNU volunteers today have all the computer facilities they need. However, there are still advantages to having a central computers where GNU volunteers can work together without having to make their own machines accessible to others.

For that reason, the Free Software Foundation encourages GNU software projects to use the machines at as a home base. Using these machines also benefits the GNU Project indirectly, by increasing public awareness of GNU, and spreading the idea of working together for the benefit of everyone.

Login Accounts

We give out login access to the GNU machines to people who need them for work on GNU software. Having a login account is both a privilege and a responsibility, and they should be used only for your work on GNU. If you don't have an account and you need one, please contact


We provide remote CVS access for several GNU packages; if you are developing a GNU package and would like to keep the repository on the machines, Savannah offers an easy way to create and manage it. First create yourself an account and then register your GNU package. Within a few hours the CVS repository will be created. You will be able to write into it and manage the list of people who have write access to it by yourself.

A number of projects are already using Savannah for this purpose.

CVS Mirror Sites

The following sites mirror a portion of the GNU CVS repository:
gnumach, hurd, mig
Hit return when prompted for the login password.
Hit return when prompted for the login password.

In order to allow mirrors to have direct repository access, we provide an anonymous rsync server at rsync:// Please contact <> if you would like to mirror part or all of the GNU CVS repository, so that we can add your name to the above list.

Mailing Lists

We operate mailing lists for GNU software packages as needed, including both hand-managed lists and automatically managed lists. Ask to create lists for you, or create them yourself if you're sure you know how.

In general, each GNU software package ought to have a bug-reporting list with the canonical name, plus whatever other aliases may be useful. Some packages share the list but we now encourage packages to set up their own individual lists.

Packages can have other lists for announcements, for asking for help, for posting related source code, for discussion among users, or whatever the package maintainer thinks is useful.

When a mailing list becomes large enough to justify it, we can set up a gnu.* newsgroup with a two-way link to the mailing list.

Web Server

Our master web server is located at, and has mirrors around the world. We would like to host pages on this server about each and every GNU software package.

The machine which serves the web pages is separate from the rest of the GNU machines. The web is stored in a CVS repository on Each GNU package registered on Savannah is granted a write access to the /software/package directory. For an example on how to access it, check the CVS page of the GNU mifluz package.


We can also provide an FTP site for any GNU software package on, which is mirrored worldwide. Contact if you would like to use this site as the distribution center for your package.

We use a different server for test releases, so that people won't install them thinking they are ready for prime time. This server is Contact if you would like to use this site to distribute pretests of your package.

Return to GNU's home page.

Please send FSF & GNU inquiries & questions to There are also other ways to contact the FSF.

Please send comments on these web pages to, send other questions to

Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.

Updated: $Date: 2001/06/26 18:05:55 $ $Author: bkuhn $