Bailey's Beads Beauty

The passing beauty of Bailey's beads is shown on this picture taken using my Maksutov - Cassegrain telescope with 1/1000s exposure. This short exposure recorded not only Bailey's beads but prominences and inner part of solar corona too. The image was processed in order to remove diffuse hight caused by light diffraction. The contrast between the brightest and the darkest part of the image is about 1 : 1,000,000. The processing was successful thanks to the high quality film Fujicolor Superia 800, scanner Nikon LS-2000 and scientific image analyser SOFO ACC 4.0. The same what I have already told about the diamond ring picture is valid for the picture you are looking at. Even the best film is not able to record Bailey's beads together with the fine structure of solar corona. The using of more pictures taken with longer exposure times makes it possible. The result you can see on next page.

NΘmetkΘr (Hungary), 11th August 1999, Maksutov - Cassegrain MTO 1000a, 10.5/1084mm, Fujicolor Superia 800, exposure 1/1000 s

Copyright (C) 1999 Miloslav Druckmⁿller