SOFO ACC 4.0 Image Analyser

The image processing software was very important while creating this CD. There is nearly unlimited choice of computer programs for work with images but majority of them are useless for purpose I needed it for. The reason is the only 8-bit dynamic range of images they are able to process. It means that the red, green and blue component of each picture element can be assigned to 28=256 different values. This enables to create 2563, i.e. about 16 million different colors. It is enough to achieve the perfect image quality for human eyes but it is insufficient for numerical image processing especially if the image contrast is extremely high. Therefore I used the image processing software using 16-bit dynamic range for my work. It means that the red, green and blue component of each picture element can be assigned to 216=65536 different values. This enables to create 655363, i.e. about 3╫1014 different colors. The mathematical processing of such high quality image enables to make visible details originally not visible on an image.

All images published in this CD I have processed using the scientific image analyzer ACC (Adaptive Contrast Control) version 4.0 which is the product of Czech firm SOFO *. This PC software consists of a lot of procedures for exact image processing including the unique ACC algorithm for nonlinear local contrast transformation.

* Author of this CD is a member of the team developing the ACC image analyzer.