The time is 12:50 (10:50 UT). The moon's shadow reached our observing place on its
journey. It is getting dark and the crescent of shining photosphere is making
smaller very quickly. Suddenly, so that I haven't expected it, it is dark only the
solar limb is shining or better it glitters. Now it is a very rare moment when
so called diamond ring is visible. I take in hurry my first picture with
Maksutov - Cassegrain telescope
MTO 1000a
using 1/1000 s exposure. The picture shows the extreme contrast of photosphere
in comparison to the dark surroundings. This contrast caused a lot of optical
effects that decreased the image quality and made the image little bit fuzzy.
The human eye is not en absolutely perfect optical instrument either and
therefore the image has its own charm. But the full
diamond ring beauty you may admire only on image processed using complicated
mathematical procedure which removed all image degrading optical effects.