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- Version History -

[ Download | Version History | Install ]
    12-July-1999: Currency Converter 1.4
    Auto-update routines for updating once-a-day at first start-up of program.
    Extra parameter '/update' for only updating the currency and then exit.
    Removed some bugs / cleaned up the code a small bit.
    Removed updated-since functions from program again...

    20-June-1999: Currency Converter 1.3
    Made an Installer and Uninstaller for it. (Optional)
    Experimental Basic User Authentication support for proxy.
    Now also updating from file. See the FAQ in the manual.
    Working-directory bug-fix
    Checkbox-option for using 'if-modified-since' in HTTP-request.

    25-May-1999: Currency Converter 1.2
    This is a BIG Updater.
    Support for about 220 currencies out-of-the-box. (maximum set at 400)
    Search-function in Rates-tab for easier locating of currencies.
    Improved Internet-updatefuctions. (Better HTTP/1.0-support)
    Proxyserver can now be given by both hostname and IP-address.
    For complete listing see the readme.txt in the zip-file.

    1-May-1999: Currency Converter 1.1
    Euro exchange-rate now user-editable.

    2-April-1999: Currency Converter 1.0
    Out of beta and made a real page for it.
    Added a number grouping function like : 54,321.01 (configurable)
    Euro-tab now named User-tab, and is completely configurable.
    New layout settings-tab.

    11-March-1999: Currency Converter 1.0 beta 4
    Error reported because of a new notation (from --- to NULL) of unupdated currencies on IMF-page. Problem solved by adding one line of code and modifying another. Also made sure they can use whatever they want now, as long as it isn't a number.

    03-March-1999: Currency Converter 1.0 beta 3
    Error reported because of a new top-banner on IMF-page.
    Problem solved by adding one line of code.

    01-Feb-1999: Currency Converter 1.0 beta 2
    Added some functions to add and remove currencies.
    Also have the list ordered by name now.

    20-Jan-1999: Currency Converter 1.0 beta 1
    The first ever version of the Freeware Currency Converter.

- Installing -

[ Download | Version History | Install ]
    This information will guide you through installing the Installer-version. If you have downloaded the smaller Experienced-user version - then you should know your way already.

    If you are already running a previous version of the program, then uninstall this version first.

    First, we make a temporary-folder on your harddisk. We then have to open the zip-file you just downloaded. Try clicking on the zip-file, or if that doesn't work download WinZip. If all this fails, try downloading the converter again or ask someone for help. Extract the files from the zip-file to the directory or folder we just made. Close the zip-file and start the program called 'install.exe' by clicking on it. This program will guide you through the installation-routine.

    If the installation-program exited, erase the temporary-folder we just made. Try locating the Currency Converter in the start-menu, and start the program.

    If this didn't go all that easy then don't worry, it is a bit tricky - working with Zip-files. In the near future I'll make the installing routine of this program even easier, but due to lack of time I didn't yet get to that.

- Un-Installing -
    If you tried it and didn't like it, you might want to consider uninstalling. Try running the Uninstall option from the Currency Converter part of start-menu.

    Don't worry about the registry or redundant DLL's or whatever Big Bill thinks up. It doesn't use any of it. The program only uses the directory or folder it is installed in.

© 1999 Alexander Belgraver