There is no separate table editor in Amaya. A table is simply a structure described by the HTML DTD and it is edited as such. The same commands apply to tables as to other HTML structures, with a few additional ones.
When activating the table button or selecting the Table entry from the
Types menu, Amaya displays a dialog box which allows you to
specify the initial number of rows and columns for the new table, as well as
its border. If you have done that by mistake, just click the
Cancel button. To create a new table at the current position,
click the Confirm button. Amaya will then generate something
like the following table (3 columns and 2 rows in that case):
The space above the table is reserved for the caption. The caret is automatically put in this caption, so that you can enter its contents immediately. You can also delete it if you don't need a caption.
The new table contains empty cells. You can click on any of them and insert text, images, and so on. You can also move the caret from cell to cell with the arrow keys.
New columns can be created very efficiently with the Enter key. Move the insertion point to the end or the beginning of a cell (for example at the end of Cell 1.1 in the table below). By pressing the Enter key twice (the first keystroke creates a paragraph in the current cell) you create a new cell and its corresponding column, as shown below:
Cell 1.1 | I | Cell 1.2 | Cell 1.3 |
Cell 2.1 |
To create a new row, press Enter three times when the insertion point is at the end of the last cell in a row (in Cell 1.3, for instance). You can also select the row by pressing the Esc key (on Unix platforms) or F2 key (on Windows platforms) and pressing Enter only once.
To create a new tbody
, press Enter four times (or three times
if the cell is empty) and one time more to create a new paragraph after the
There is no specific command to create a new column. When you create a new cell, Amaya generates the corresponding new column. When you delete a cell in a column that becomes empty, Amaya deletes the column automatically. But there is a specific command (Delete table column) to delete a column, even if it's not empty. This command is located at the end of submenu Table of menu Types.
Many element types can be included within table cells. For that reason, Amaya could misunderstand what you want to do when you select an element type (eg. clicking H1, H2, etc. or selecting an entry in the menu Type) while a table component is selected. When you want to create an element after the table, you have to select the whole table (check the current selection in the bottom line of the window) and press the Enter key. Amaya will generate a paragraph after the table. This new paragraph can be transformed if needed.
Note that the table model implemented in
Amaya is the HTML 4.0 model. This includes
features such as multiple bodies (tbody
header (thead
) and footer