To change the type of an existing element, select it and choose the new type in the Types menu or by clicking on a button. You can thus change a numbered list into an itemized list, for example, or a paragraph into a heading or a list. To remove a type that is selected from the Style menu (inline types - those that can be a phrase in a paragraph or list use the relevant option in the submenus of the Style menu as a toggle. Most other types can be removed as a transformation of the element when it has been selected (see below).
To select an entire element, place the insertion point anywhere within it and press the Esc (F2 on Windows) key.
More complex structure transformations are also possible.
Simple structure transformations can be achieved using the Types menu (see above). More complex transformations can be obtained by other means.
The Transform command from the Edit menu performs complex structure transformations. This command is based on a structure transformation language that specifies how a given structural pattern can be transformed into different structures.
The Transform command pops up a menu that lists all the transformations that can be applied to the current selection. Just choose the transformation you want.
The available transformations are defined in the file
. Please refer to the document Use of the file HTML.trans for a description of the
language in which the transformation rules are written.
Additional transformations may be specified in the HTML.trans
file. Some are provided as examples. For instance, it is possible to transform
nested lists into a table and conversely.
One can easily group a set of paragraphs, headings, lists, tables, etc. within a division. To do that one has to select the elements to be grouped and select the entry DIV in the menu type.
Successive elements can be merged, even if they are not at the same level in the document structure. Merging is achieved with the Back Space and Delete keys. When the insertion point is at the end of an element, use the Delete key, when it is at the beginning, use the Back Space key. In both cases, these keys do not delete any characters, but merge elements which are separated by a structure boundary.
When the insertion point in within an element, these two keys delete the next or previous character, as usual.