Here follows a listing of the opimizing techniques used in the compiler:
You can enable uncertain optimizations only in certain cases, otherwise you will produce a bug; the following technical description tells you when to use them:
If uncertain optimizations are enabled, the reloading optimizer assumes thatThe practical upshot of this is that you cannot use the uncertain optimizations if you access any local or global variables through pointers. In theory, this includes Var parameters, but it is all right if you don't both read the variable once through its Var reference and then read it using it's name.
- If something is written to a local/global register or a procedure/function parameter, this value doesn't overwrite the value to which a pointer points.
- If something is written to memory pointed to by a pointer variable, this value doesn't overwrite the value of a local/global variable or a procedure/function parameter.
The following example will produce bad code when you switch on uncertain optimizations:
Var temp: Longint; Procedure Foo(Var Bar: Longint); Begin If (Bar = temp) Then Begin Inc(Bar); If (Bar <> temp) then Writeln('bug!') End End; Begin Foo(Temp); End.The reason it produces bad code is because you access the global variable Temp both through its name Temp and through a pointer, in this case using the Bar variable parameter, which is nothing but a pointer to Temp in the above code.
On the other hand, you can use the uncertain optimizations if
you access global/local variables or parameters through pointers,
and only access them through this pointer.
For example:
Type TMyRec = Record a, b: Longint; End; PMyRec = ^TMyRec; TMyRecArray = Array [1..100000] of TMyRec; PMyRecArray = ^TMyRecArray; Var MyRecArrayPtr: PMyRecArray; MyRecPtr: PMyRec; Counter: Longint; Begin New(MyRecArrayPtr); For Counter := 1 to 100000 Do Begin MyRecPtr := @MyRecArrayPtr^[Counter]; MyRecPtr^.a := Counter; MyRecPtr^.b := Counter div 2; End; End.Will produce correct code, because the global variable MyRecArrayPtr is not accessed directly, but through a pointer (MyRecPtr in this case).
In conclusion, one could say that you can use uncertain optimizations only when you know what you're doing.