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Although many of the restrictions imposed by the MS-DOS system are removed
by use of an extender, or use of another operating system, there still are
some limitations to the compiler:
- String constants are limited to 128 characters. All other characters
are simply dropped from the definition.
- The length of generated unit files is limited to 65K for the
real-mode compiler, and to 1Mb for the 32-bit compiler. This limit can be
changed by changing the bytearray1 type in cobjects.pas
- Procedure or Function definitions can be nested to a level of 32.
- Maximally 255 units can be used in a program when using the real-mode
compiler. When using the 32-bit compiler, the limit is set to 1024. You can
change this by redefining the maxunits constant in the
files.pas compiler source file.
- Procedures or functions accept parameters with a total size up to
$ffff bytes. This limit is due to the RET instruction of the I386
processor. If the calls were made using the C convention this limit would
Michael Van Canneyt
Tue Mar 31 16:50:06 CEST 1998