Jak nastavit pravidla pro platnost klicu

Martin KRONDAK (Martin.Krondak@vscht.cz)
Thu, 20 May 1999 11:14:20 +0200

Dobry den,

v Into To Crypto.pdf manualu k PGP602 je uvedeno, ze lze nastavit
pravidla pro to ktery klic bude platny a ktery ne. Netusim kde se vyse
uvedene da nastavit. V preferences ne.

IntroToCrypto.pdf, str. 41:
When PGP is calculating the validity of a public key, it examines the trust
of all the attached certifying signatures. It computes a weighted score of
validity-for example, two marginally trusted signatures are deemed to be as
credible as one fully trusted signature. The program's skepticism is
adjustable-for example, you can tune PGP to require two fully trusted
signatures or three marginally trusted signatures to judge a key as valid.

Diky a nashle

Martin Krondak <Martin.Krondak@vscht.cz>
PGP fingerprint: 8F03 77E5 A0D4 0216 CE7B D3D6 7805 F4BF 06EE EFA9

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