Josef Pojsl (
Wed, 26 May 1999 16:49:39 +0200 (CEST)
Martin Krondak napsal(a):
> Dobry den,
> v Into To Crypto.pdf manualu k PGP602 je uvedeno, ze lze nastavit
> pravidla pro to ktery klic bude platny a ktery ne. Netusim kde se vyse
> uvedene da nastavit. V preferences ne.
> IntroToCrypto.pdf, str. 41:
> When PGP is calculating the validity of a public key, it examines the trust
> level
> of all the attached certifying signatures. It computes a weighted score of
> validity-for example, two marginally trusted signatures are deemed to be as
> credible as one fully trusted signature. The program's skepticism is
> adjustable-for example, you can tune PGP to require two fully trusted
> signatures or three marginally trusted signatures to judge a key as valid.
Taky jsem to zkoumal, ale na nic jsem neprisel. Mozna je to vize casu
budoucich, rozhodne ve verzi 6.0.2i pro Windows takove veci nastavit nelze.
Udajne by to ale mohlo jit ve verzi 6.5, nechme se prekvapit...
Josef Pojsl
SkyNet, a.s.
PGP fingerprint: 23CB DE28 51A9 53F1 0C1F 67EF B3ED 8435 9D1B C7C8
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