Here are some excellent materials that you may want to have a look at.
Table Tutor, Form Tutor and Frames Tutor
- When you're past the basics and are ready to add a few high octane components to your web page, these three tutorials will take you step by step through the tags.
- The HTML Reference Library
- An outstanding html guide and reference source in windows HELP format. (Note that you must have Internet Explorer 4 installed for this latest version of the HTML Library to work.)
- Beginner's Guide to HTML
- A good concise guide that explains the basics very well. I keep a copy and still refer to it on occasion.
- Other outstanding HTML related web sites:
- The Web Developer's Virtual Library
- HTML Goodies
- Webmonkey
- The World Wide Web Consortium
- If you need stuff for your pages...
- - like backgrounds, bullets, images, sounds, JavaScript or whatever, come by our Web Page Resources section. Help yourself to armloads of stuff!
Got any suggestions? Let's hear 'em.
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If you would like to add a link to the Professional Web Design site, you are welcome to use the following...

Just grab the above image, save it as proweb1.gif, and paste the following HTML code into your page...
<P ALIGN="center"><A HREF=""><IMG
SRC="proweb1.gif" ALT="Professional Web Design"
Make sure that proweb1.gif is in the same directory as your page.
(These are just suggestions. You can, of course, link any way you want or not at all. You can stand on top of a bus and point at me if you want.)