Opening an Archive

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To manipulate an existing Archive file already on your hard disk, first you must open the Archive.
From the EasyZip File Menu, select the option to Open Archive. You can do it also by click the "Open" button. You will now see a standard Windows 95 style Open Dialog. Navigate to the folder where you installed EasyZip (the default folder is C:\Program Files\EasyZip). You should now see a listing of files that includes TUTOR1.ZIP. Highlight the file, TUTOR1.ZIP and press the Open button. The Open Dialog closes and you are returned to the Main EasyZip screen.

You should now see a listing of the three files contained within the TUTOR1.ZIP Archive file. The file information listing shows the name of the file, date & time stamp, uncompressed and compressed size of the file and ratio of the compression achieved and file path.

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