Files from an Archive
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New users: For introductory information, please see the
section Brief Tutorial - Extracting Files.
This section describes the Extract dialog box. There are other
ways to extract files from an archive:
The Extract dialog box:
Use the Extract button on the toolbar or select Extract from the
Actions menu to display the Extract dialog box. Use the Extract
dialog box to extract or “unzip” files from the open
archive to your disk.
EasyZip extracts files from the archive to the folder specified
in the Extract to field. You can specify this folder in one of
four ways:
- Select a folder and drive in the Folders/Drives list
- Type a folder name in the Extract to field.
- Pull down the Extract to combo box and select a folder
from the list of previous Extract to folders.
- Press the New folder... button and create a folder.
The Extract dialog box provides the following options:
- The Selected files option button instructs EasyZip to
extract only files that are selected in the main EasyZip
window. You can use conventional file selection methods
to choose files. This option is disabled if no files are
- The All files option button instructs EasyZip to extract
all files from the archive.
- The Files option button and edit field allow you to
specify which files are extracted using filenames (standard
Windows wildcards are accepted, so you could use “*.doc”
to extract all .doc files)
- The Overwrite existing files check box determines whether
you are prompted before existing files are overwritten
with files from the archive.
- The Skip older files check box determines whether EasyZip
skips (does not extract) existing files when the date/time
stamps of the file in the archive is older than the file
on disk.
- The New folder button activates the Create Folder dialog
box. Note that you can extract files and create a folder
without this dialog box: simply type the name of the new
folder in the Extract to field of the Extract dialog box
and press the Extract button.
Note: You can change the default Extract to folder using the
Configuration | Folders dialog box.
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