Extracting Files in an Archive with the Drag and Drop Interface
You can drag and drop files from EasyZip to other applications,
My Computer or the Windows Explorer, the desktop, printers, and
to shortcuts. If you drop files on a folder listed in My Computer
or the Windows Explorer, the files are extracted to that folder.
If you drop files on the desktop, the files are extracted to the
desktop folder. If you drop files onto a printer, the files are
printed. If you drop files on another application or on a
shortcut, the files are extracted to the temp folder before the
files are passed to the application, and are removed when the
archive is closed.
Different applications handle dropped files in different ways.
For example, when you drop a file on the Wordpad application
distributed as part of Windows it will embed the file as an OLE
object, but when you drop a file on the Notepad application
distributed as part of Windows it will open the file. You may
need to experiment with drag and drop to understand how each
application reacts to a file dropped on it.
You can also extract files by pressing the Extract push button or
using the Extract entry on the Actions pull-down menu.
You can copy files from one archive to another by opening
multiple copies of EasyZip, one for each archive, and dragging
files from one to the other.