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Using the InterServer Configuration Utility on Windows NT and 95

  1. Starting InterServer on Windows NT and 95
  2. InterServer Service Options
  3. Shutting Down InterServer
  4. Viewing InterServer Information and Properties

Starting InterServer on Windows NT and 95

InterServer must be started to enable InterClient connections to a database. If InterServer is started as an application an icon is displayed in the task tray, located on the right side of your task bar (or bottom, if your task bar is positioned vertically). The server can be configured to automatically start up at system boot.

To configure InterServer as an application, choose your startup mode:

The Advanced section of the Configuration Utility is disabled if InterServer is configured to run as an application.

You may configure InterServer to run as a service which can be started, stopped, or paused using the Advanced section of the InterServer Configuration Utility, or alternatively may be controlled using the Windows NT control panel services utility.

InterServer Service Options

Running Connections between InterClient applications and the InterBase server are serviced.
Paused Connections between InterClient applications and the InterBase server are held open but all requests for service is halted.
Stopped InterServer is shutdown. Connections are closed.

Shutting Down InterServer

To shut down the InterServer application, right-click the InterServer icon in the task tray and choose Shutdown. If any connections are open, a warning message appears. If you have open connections, it is recommended that you close them before shutting down the server. You also must close all client applications you are running.

To shut down the InterServer service, press the stop light in the Advanced section of the Configuration Utility.

Viewing InterServer Information and Properties

To view current server information and properties, right click the InterServer application icon and choose Properties from the pop up menu.

The property sheet provides:

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