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SQL States for SQLExceptions

SQL State SQLException Subclass Error Code Description
ICI00 general SQLException ISC error code Any error issued by the InterBase engine.
01JA0 ExpiredDriverWarning unlicensedComponent A driver component has expired. Connection permitted.
0A000 DriverNotCapableException driverNotCapable Feature not supported
ICJ01 InvalidOperationException invalidOperation Invalid operation on a closed connection.
ICJ02 InvalidOperationException invalidOperation Invalid operation on a closed server attachment.
ICJ03 InvalidOperationException invalidOperation Invalid operation on a closed result set.
ICJ04 InvalidOperationException invalidOperation Invalid operation on a closed statement.
ICJ05 InvalidOperationException invalidOperation Invalid operation when transaction is in progress.
ICJ06 InvalidOperationException invalidOperation Invalid operation to commit or rollback a transaction while in auto-commit mode.
ICJ07 InvalidOperationException invalidOperation Invalid operation to executeQuery on an update statement.
ICJ08 InvalidOperationException invalidOperation Invalid operation to set a non-nullable input parameter to null.
ICJ09 InvalidOperationException invalidOperation Invalid operation to read past end of cursor.
ICJ0A InvalidOperationException invalidOperation Invalid operation to read at current cursor position.
ICJ0B InvalidOperationException invalidOperation Invalid operation to check wasNull() when no column data has been retrieved for the current row.
ICJ0C InvalidOperationException invalidOperation Invalid operation to execute a prepared statement with an unset non-nullable input parameter. All input parameters for non-nullable columns must be set, unset nullable columns are assumed null.
ICJ10 ParameterConversionException invalidOperation Wrong parameter type for requested conversion.
ICJ11 ParameterConversionException invalidOperation Attempt to set a number to a non-character binary blob field.
ICJ12 ParameterConversionException invalidOperation Attempt to set a date, time, or timestamp to a non-character binary blob field.
ICJ13 ParameterConversionException invalidOperation It is an invalid operation to send a Java input stream using the setObject method. You must explicitly use PreparedStatement.setXXXStream to transfer a value as a stream per the JDBC specification. Refer to the JDBC 1.20 specification pg. 43 for details.
ICJ14 ParameterConversionException invalidOperation Parameter instance is out of range for requested conversion.
ICJ20 ColumnConversionException invalidOperation Wrong result column type for requested conversion.
ICJ21 ColumnConversionException invalidOperation Attempt to get a number from a non-character binary blob field.
ICJ22 ColumnConversionException invalidOperation Attempt to get a date, time, or timestamp from a non-character binary blob field.
ICJ23 ColumnConversionException invalidOperation Result column instance is out of range for requested conversion.
ICJ30 InvalidArgumentException invalidOperation Transaction isolation level is invalid.
ICJ31 InvalidArgumentException invalidOperation Transaction isolation specified in connection properties is not known.
ICJ32 InvalidArgumentException invalidOperation Lock resolution specified in connection properties is not valid.
ICJ33 InvalidArgumentException invalidOperation Unrecognized connection property specified.
ICJ34 InvalidArgumentException invalidOperation User and password connection properties are not set.
ICJ35 InvalidArgumentException invalidOperation Connection properties is null.
ICJ36 InvalidArgumentException invalidOperation Server properties is null.
ICJ37 InvalidArgumentException invalidOperation SQL string is null or empty.
ICJ38 InvalidArgumentException invalidOperation Result column name is not known.
ICJ39 InvalidArgumentException invalidOperation Negative row fetch size specified.
ICJ3A InvalidArgumentException invalidOperation Negative number specified for maximum rows for result set.
ICJ3B InvalidArgumentException invalidOperation Row fetch size may not exceed maximum rows for result set.
ICJ3C InvalidArgumentException invalidOperation Attempt to set a unicode input stream with an odd number of bytes.
ICJ40 ColumnIndexOutOfBoundsException invalidOperation Result column index is out of range.
ICJ50 ParameterIndexOutOfBoundsException invalidOperation Input parameter index is out of range.
ICJ60 URLSyntaxException invalidOperation Malformed InterBase database JDBC URL. Server specification must begin with //hostName. See Database and Server URL Syntax.
ICJ61 URLSyntaxException invalidOperation Malformed InterBase database JDBC URL. Server name must be followed by /absolute-path-to-file See Database and Server URL Syntax.
ICJ70 EscapeSyntaxException invalidOperation Missing closing escape delimeter "}".
ICJ71 EscapeSyntaxException invalidOperation Unrecognized escape keyword.
ICJ72 EscapeSyntaxException invalidOperation Malformed SQL escape syntax for date "{d 'yyyy-mm-dd'}" clause.
ICJ73 EscapeSyntaxException invalidOperation Malformed SQL escape syntax for timestamp "{ts 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.f...'}" clause.
ICJ74 EscapeSyntaxException invalidOperation Malformed SQL escape syntax for LIKE "{escape 'escape-character'}" clause.
ICJ75 EscapeSyntaxException invalidOperation Malformed SQL escape syntax for LIKE "{escape 'escape-character'}" clause. Missing "'" in escape syntax.
ICJ76 EscapeSyntaxException invalidOperation Malformed SQL escape syntax for scalar function "{fn ...}" clause.
ICJ77 EscapeSyntaxException invalidOperation Malformed SQL escape syntax for stored procedure "{call ...}" clause.
ICJ80 UnlicensedComponentException unlicensedComponent This version of InterClient is not licensed for remote connections. Use localhost only for server name.
ICJ81 UnlicensedComponentException unlicensedComponent This version of InterClient is incompatible with the version of InterBase being used.
ICJ82 UnlicensedComponentException unlicensedComponent InterServer is not licensed or the license file has expired.
ICJ90 ExpiredDriverException unlicensedComponent A driver component has expired. Connection refused.
ICJB0 BugCheckException bugCheck Bug detected. Please send mail to and refer to given bug code.
ICJC0 CharacterEncodingException characterEncoding A character conversion exception occurred while trying to decode a String encoding from server.
ICJC1 CharacterEncodingException characterEncoding A character conversion exception occurred while trying to encode a String to send to server.
ICJD0 RemoteProtocolException remoteProtocol Unexpected token in network message received from InterServer.
ICJD1 RemoteProtocolException remoteProtocol InterServer received an unexpected token in network message from InterClient.
ICJD2 RemoteProtocolException remoteProtocol Unable to establish a protocol with server for remote messaging.
ICJD3 RemoteProtocolException remoteProtocol Unrecognized network message received from InterServer.
ICJE0 CommunicationException communication An IO exception occurred while reading from a user supplied input stream.
ICJE1 CommunicationException communication Unexpected end of stream while reading from a user supplied input stream.
ICJE2 CommunicationException communication A socket exception occurred while trying to establish a socket connection to server.
ICJE3 CommunicationException communication An IO exception occurred while trying to establish a socket connection to server. This is probably due to an interserver misconfiguration. Is interserver running?
ICJE4 CommunicationException communication An IO exception occurred while trying to close a socket connection to server.
ICJE5 CommunicationException communication An IO exception occurred while trying to establish a connection protocol to server.
ICJE6 CommunicationException communication An IO exception occurred while trying to receive data from server.
ICJE7 CommunicationException communication An IO exception occurred while trying to send data to server.
ICJE8 CommunicationException communication An IO exception occurred while trying to read data from server.
ICJE9 CommunicationException communication An IO exception occurred while trying to read a blob stream from server.
ICJEA CommunicationException communication An IO exception occurred while trying to close a blob stream from server.
ICJEB CommunicationException communication InterServer was unable to complete an IO request.
ICJF0 SocketTimeoutException socketTimeout IO was interrupted while waiting to read data from server. This is probably due to a timeout on the socket.
ICJG0 UnknownHostException unknownHost An unknown host exception occurred while trying to open a socket connection to server.
ICJH0 BadInstallationException badInstallation Client or browser is using an unsupported jdk version.
ICJH1 BadInstallationException badInstallation Your security manager does not allow socket connections to server on interserver port.
ICJH2 BadInstallationException badInstallation Installed versions of InterClient and InterServer use incompatible client/server protocol versions.
ICJI0 OutOfMemoryException outOfMemory InterServer exhausted server memory.
ICJJ0 SQLException missingResourceBundle An InterClient resource bundle could not be found in either the interbase.interclient or interbase.interclient.utils packages. Both CommDiag and the driver itself could throw this exception.

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