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Using the JDBC (java.sql) Interfaces

Figure 3 - JDBC Interfaces
The JDBC API is a set of Java interfaces that allow database applications to open connections to a database, execute SQL statements, and process the results. These include:

The DriverManager Class

The DriverManager class is part of the java.sql package. The JDBC framework supports multiple database drivers. The DriverManager manages all JDBC drivers that are loaded on a system; it tries to load as many drivers as it can find. For each connection request, it locates a driver to connect to the target database URL. The DriverManager also enforces security measures defined by the JDBC specification.

The Driver Class

Each database driver must provide a class that implements the java.sql.Driver interface. The interbase.interclient.Driver class is an all-Java implementation of a JDBC driver that is specific to InterBase. The interbase.interclient package supports most of the JDBC classes and methods plus some added extensions that are not part of the JDBC API.

To access an InterBase database, the InterClient driver communicates via a TCP/IP connection with an InterServer process that runs on the same system as the InterBase database server. InterServer forwards InterClient requests to the InterBase server. InterBase processes the SQL statements and passes the results back to the InterServer, which then passes the results to the InterClient driver.


Any JDBC driver must comply with the JDBC standard for multi-threading, which requires that all operations on Java objects be able to handle concurrent execution. For a given connection, several threads must be able to safely operate simultaneously. The InterClient driver is "thread-safe." For example, your application can execute two or more statements over the same connection concurrently, and process both result sets concurrently without generating errors or ambiguous results.

The Connection Class

After creating a Driver object, you can open a connection to the database by creating a Connection object. A database driver can manage many connection objects. The Connection object establishes and manages the connection to your particular database. Within a given connection, you can execute SQL statements and receive the result sets.

The java.sql.Connection interface represents a connection to a particular database. The JDBC specification allows a single application to support multiple connections to one or more databases, using one or more database drivers. When you establish your connection using this class, the DriverManager selects an appropriate driver from those loaded based on the subprotocol specified in the URL, which is passed as a connection parameter.

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