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Deploying InterClient Programs

Once you've developed your InterClient programs, there are two ways to deploy them: as Java applets embedded on an HTML page, or as stand-alone all-Java applications running on a client system.

Deploying InterClient Programs as Applets

Figure 4 - Using Applets to access InterBase
InterClient programs can be implemented as Java applets that are downloaded over the Internet as part of an HTML web page. An InterClient applet uses JDBC to provide access to a remote InterBase server in the following manner:
  1. A user accesses the HTML page where the InterClient applet resides.
  2. The applet bytecode is downloaded to the client machine from the Web server.
  3. The applet code executes on the client machine, causing the InterClient package (i.e., the InterClient classes and the InterClient driver) to be downloaded from the Web server.
  4. The InterClient driver communicates with the InterServer process, which in turn establishes a connection to the InterBase server.
  5. The InterBase server executes SQL statements and returns the results to the InterServer, which then passes on the results to the user running the InterClient applet.
  6. When the applet is finished executing, the applet itself and the InterClient driver and classes disappear from the client machine.

Client Components

In order to run InterClient applets, the client machine must have the following software loaded:

Server Components

The software that resides on the server system includes: The server software may be distributed on separate server machines.

Deploying InterClient Programs as Applications

Figure 5 - Using stand-alone Java applications to access InterBase
InterClient programs can also be deployed as stand-alone Java applications. These applications both reside on and execute from the client machine; they're not downloaded from a server. The most common use for these types of Java applications is within a company or corporate "Intranet," where the application can access corporate database servers on a local or wide area network. However, you can also use Java applications to access databases via the Internet.

Client Components

To run Java applications using InterClient, the software that must be installed on the client system includes:

Server Components

The server components that must be installed include:

Reference | Help | Introduction | Slide Show | Class Hierarchy InterClient

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