What Happened to Analyze values?

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The following describes the different entry values for analyze:

Select file to analyze
Standard Info
AxMan Part #
Split with AxMan version
Extend Info (Last Part Only)
Original File Name
Total number of parts
Restored file size

Select file to analyze
Enter into this field the name of the file that you wish to analzye (You must include the drive letter and the path to this file).  You can either manually type this entry in or browse for the file by pushing the corresponding browse button.  You can analyze any file in a split set.  However, certain information is only available when analyzing the last file in the split set.
Standard Info
AxMan Part #
This is the piece number for this split piece.  This value typically corresponds with the value in the name of the file.  I.e. if you are analyzing foo.exe.3.axman, then this value should be 3.
Split with AxMan version
Indicates the version of AxMan that was used to split this file.
If the include checksum option was selected when this file was split, then this value indicates the checksum for this piece.  AxMan will use this value when verifying the file.
Extend Info (Last Part Only)
NOTE: As indicated by the comment, these values will only appear when analyzing the last piece in the split set.  This is because AxMan only store these values in the last piece.
Original File Name
This value indicates the original name of the file that was split.
Total number of parts
This value indicates the number of pieces in the split set.
Restored file size
This value represents the size of the original file that was split and thus the size of the file that would be created if this file is restored.