If you are an ISP, you can specify how users sign up with your service and connect to the Internet.
Server-based sign-up using the Internet Connection wizard (recommended)
The Internet sign-up server method provides full flexibility and dynamically adapts to various sign-up options. You create server solutions that exchange information with the screens of the Internet Connection wizard. For more information, see Internet Sign-up for the Internet Connection Wizard.
Server-based sign-up using full-screen kiosk mode
The Internet sign-up server method provides full flexibility and dynamically adapts to various sign-up options. You create server solutions that exchange information with the browser in kiosk mode, without toolbar buttons showing. For more information, see Setting Up a Sign-up Server for Full-Screen Kiosk Mode.
Serverless sign-up
The serverless sign-up method doesn't require a sign-up server. If you select the serverless method, the Internet Explorer Customization wizard prompts you to provide the necessary information to control the sign-up process. If you choose this option, you'll be prompted for dialing, gateway, and password information. You can also test your sign-up page from the Customization wizard. You cannot use the serverless sign-up method to customize the Internet Connection wizard.
No sign-up
Specify this method if you don't want users to go through a sign-up procedure when they install their custom browser. This option may be helpful when cable modems are used.