Hotel Zlata Hvezda
Room equipment: hall, bathroom, WC, TV, fridge
Other services: fax, cards welcome
Reception desk service available 24 hours a day
Restaurant, correspondence hall, hotel saloon

offers: 13 beds - 3 rooms
Credit cards accepted.
Possibility of breakfasts in rooms.
Boarding at the restaorant for the whole day.

Hotel Dalibor
Room equipment: WC, shower, TV, radio, telephones
Other services: exchange, fax, copying, cards welcome
Reception desk service available 24 hours a day
Restaurant and bar, saloon

Hotel Sofia
Room equipment: WC, bathroom, TV + SAT, telephone, fax
Other services: meals to order, garages, cards welcome, washing, ironing, massage, hairdresser
Non-stop operation

Pension Petra
Room equipment: WC, shower or bathroom, TV + SAT, telephone, fridge with minibar
Other services: bathroom, exchange, credit cards welcome, and laundry
Non-stop operation

Pension Gustav Kraus
Room equipment:bathroom with shower, TV + SAT, telephone, fridge with minibar
Other services: breakfast, cards welcome, garage
Non-stop operation

3H motorest pension
Room equipment: WC, bathroom, TV + SAT, telephone, radio
Other services: exchange, car repair shop, car wash, filling station
Non-stop operation

Bed-and-breakfast û Domov mladeze pri SpgS
Clubrooms, study-rooms, kitchenette, playground, gym, car park available

Autocamping Primator
Catering and trailer placement, common kitchen and sanitary installations, minigolf

Booking a room


U Piaristu
Charlie Restaurant
Kavarna V podzamci
Restaurace Pod klasterem
Bella Napoli da Sandro
Zamecky restaurant
a others

The entire information on accommodation and catering in Litomysl is available at the Litomysl Information Centre.

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