The catalogue of the collection of time measurement presents the watchmaking collection of the NTM, which has systematically been created since 1910. The core of the catalogue forms a set of 351 exhibits with detailed technical descriptions of time measuring instruments from elementary ones (sun, water, fire, sand clocks), over mechanical clocks, electric ones, electronic ones to atomic clocks. It includes also an evaluation of the external forms of the exhibits with regard to art-historic development. Over hundred photographs illustrate richly the most significant exhibits of the collection. The catalogue is completed by introductory studies about the development of opinions about time measurement in history from the viewpoint of philosophy and a brief overview of the development of the collection of time measurement technology of the NTM.
The publishing of the catalogue in Czech at a cost of approx. 0.6 mil. Czech crowns is planned for the year 1997, foreign language versions may follow.
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