Exhibition of Industrial Design

The exhibition is divided into four parts. The first section describes activities of the School of Arts in Zlin functioning in 1939-45, works of the sculptor Vincenc Makovsky - the first artist in our country to cooperate with designers. For comparison, documentation of the world development of organic morphology of industrial design at that time is also displayed.
The second section introduces the work of Zdenek Kovar and his first pupils who were engaged in works for machinery industry. Dominating here is a laminate copy of the arm of horizontal cutter F2 from 1945.
The largest space is devoted to objects of daily use comprising a wide range of electric appliances - vacuum cleaners, mixers, flat-irons, coffee-makers, lamps, first TV set of Czechoslovak industrial production, wireless sets, telephone sets, typewriters and sewing machines.
The last section provides a brief outline of designers of transport vehicle bodies. Drawings and models document passenger cars and lorries, tractors, aeroplanes, locomotives and railway carriages from Vagonka Tatra Studenka, CKD Praha and Skoda Plzen in construction of which the concepts of industrial design were also taken into consideration. Works on a saloon carriage for J.V.Stalin are documented here. Industrial production in this field is represented i.a. by the scooter CZ 175 from 1959, a sidecar and the one-fifth model of T603 car.
The atmosphere of the 40s to 60s is evoked by photographs of architecture, applied art and the World Exhibition Expo 58.

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