Table mechanical gramophone with a Lumiere membrane, 1930
Sound carrying media
The group of phonographs from the collection Audio and video
technique is completed by a collection of about 500 black
phonograph cylinders of factory production and about 200
yellow cylinders recorded by amateurs. The collection of
standard gramophone records contains about 1100 pieces.
Moreover, the collection contains records Pathe with
vertical recording and large gramophone records used for
sound background of films in the period before invention of
an optical sound recording directly on the film tape. The
collection contains also about 50 tapes for blattnerfon and
about 20 tapes for the apparatus Philips-Miller.
The collection includes also a device for reproduction of
phonograph cylinders and standard gramophone records by
electric method
Petr Svoboda , iso@ntm.anet.cz