The collection of telegraphy contains the most important
telegraph devices used on our territory, teleprinters as
well as other telegraph accessories.
The collection of telephony contains both telephone sets of
all systems used on our territory since its introduction and
manual telecommunication means as well as parts or
components of automatic switching centres. The transmission
technique is represented by amplifiers and components and
specimens of phone external and cable lines.
The collection of radio technology contains several early
devices for telegraphy with damped waves; domestic
production is represented by a spark transmitter made by
prof. Simek for connection with Paris in 1918. A larger
collection contains early radio telegraphic and radio
telephone electron tube devices mostly of foreign
provenance. Early wireless sets of foreign (French, English
and German) as well as domestic provenance. A large
collection of wireless and telecommunication sets from the
30s till almost present time of foreign and domestic
production (mainly post-war production of the firm Tesla).
Wireless sets used on our territory of foreign and domestic
provenance and their accessories.
The collection of TV technique contains models as well as
originals of mechanical-optical systems of scanning (e.g.
original Okolicsany's mirror screw), testing TV set with
Nipkow's disk and experimental TV transmitting and receiving
system of prof. Safranek. Foreign products of early period
are represented by German TV set Fernseh from 1938. The
post-war period is represented mainly by TV set of domestic
provenance (Tesla) as well as domestic scanning and
transmitting technology. This collection also includes
several apparatuses for transmission of pictures.
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