Time-measuring devices

The instruments for measuring time contained in the collection are, from technical and partially also from chronological point of view, classified into elementary time-measuring devices, cog-wheel (mechanical) clocks, electro-mechanical and electric clocks. The group of elementary time-measuring devices includes sundials (the collection, however, contains only a few of these items, other are deposited within the astronomical instruments), water-, fire- and sand-clocks. The largest part of the collection is devoted to cog-wheel clocks. The collection contains relatively large group of tower clocks of different design, age and provenance. Interior clocks of table, wall or floor type represent the time period from the late 16th century till now. This group includes also so-called mysterious clocks, clocks with musical machines and a group of clocks of Schwarzwald country clockmakers' production. Quite large collection is devoted to pocket and pendant watches. Mechanical clocks include also various profession, check and special clocks. In addition to mechanical clocks, this group also includes a set of models of clock escapements made by distinguished Czech mechanician and inventor of the 19th century Josef Bozek. A separate group is represented by clocks in the design of which some electric principles were used in combination with mechanical oscillator as they have been constructed since the end of last century. The last part of the collection is devoted to electronic clocks in which the mechanical part has been fully or partially excluded and which attain the highest precision.
The whole collection contains about 800 objects. A part of the collection is presented in the permanent exhibition of time-measuring devices. The most interesting exhibits are, for instance, table striking tower clock signed in Abbeville from 1590, pocket chronometer of English clockmaker J.Emery from the late 18th century, astronomical clock of J.Kossek, fire-place mysterious clock of French provenance from the 19th century, or tower clock of the firm Kretschmer with Manhardt escapement.

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