Iron metallurgy

The iron metallurgy comprises pig iron making, its fining and production of metallurgical semi-products by rolling, drawing, extrusion, etc. The collection covers relative uniformly the whole development in the field since the oldest times and contains several interesting exhibits. Because of dimensions of real metallurgical production aggregates, their models are exhibited in most cases. The oldest period of production of smelted spongy iron is documented i.a. by an original hearth furnace from the 12th century taken from terrain and several models of various developmental stages of pre-historical furnaces. The era of feudal iron metallurgy is documented by replicas of charcoal-fired reducing furnaces and refining hearths and hammers as well as by models of whole iron works of which a particular attention should be paid to Novojachymovske zelezarny (New Jachymov Iron Works) built in the early 19th century and famous by their construction and technical solution. Industrial revolution as well as subsequent periods till the present times are also well documented, mainly by models of production equipment of metallurgical works and individual aggregates (blast furnaces, converters, Siemens-Martin furnaces, electric furnaces, rolling mills, etc.). Dominating exhibit is the original mechanical forging water hammer representing the historical iron-making technology of the preceding centuries.

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