Historical mining technology

Model of waterdriven winch
Model of waterdriven winch
The collection contains objects documenting the development of mining technology as well as procedures and activities of mining raw materials from the primeval times to the 70s of this century. The Middle Ages are represented by a collection of mining tools - pick axes, mallets, iron pieces, sledges, original troughs, tallow lamps, chains, ladders, etc.
The early Modern Era is represented by lamps, tools and components of mining machines (e.g. parts of pumping equipment). A large collection is devoted to models of mining equipment predominantly made on the basis of historical drawings in the works of mining scholars G.Agricola, L.Ercker, etc. (for instance, winches, various types of pumps, ore grinders, horse-gears, models of landscape with mining works, etc.).
An important part of the fund is represented by mining technology of the 19th and early 20th centuries - various types of miners' lamps, tools (hammers, axes, scrapers, drills and others), accessories of miner's outfit (aprons, helmets, working suits). The collection includes also objects associated with mining ethnography.
The collection of mining rescue documents the development of this discipline since the first instruments facilitating rescue of miners' lives (respiration apparatuses, mask, etc.) in the second half of 19th century. It is located within the exhibition of the District Mining Rescue Station Ostrava-Radvanice.
In 1955, a significant fund was taken over from the East- Bohemian Coal Mines. The collection represents with its objects not only mining in East Bohemia, but in its completeness it documents the situation in the whole republic since the mid-19th century.
In the underground of the National Technical Museum there is a replica of the coal and ore mine (from the early 50s) in the scale 1:1 which contains a large collection of mining machines and equipment.

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